MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Also I finally found a picture of this on a 9M39


That ‘port’ is 1 of 2 in which exhaust from a small combustion chamber/turbine is routed through, which gives the missile its capability to turn to engage a target at 0 speed.

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This is new, lol. I and another guy filed the same report at the same exact time:


The report is acknowledged how long do you think it going to take to get implemented.


When the GR9A is added


Oh shit hahaha so you did. I did wonder why it was duplicated when I checked before forwarding. Incredible.


Probably about 2 years on average


That actually amazing that happened

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Good more reasons to add modernised iglas or maybe even verba

Never! Attack the D Point!

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It will be patched when Verba is added probably.

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That’s hilarious. It’s like the launcher is automatically traversing to provide the perfect lead

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Just protagonist things.

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Iglas turning right after launch isnt new to alpha strike, its been like that for a while, at least a few months before the update, if not more

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Oh I’ve already tossed it into the wayback, so if gaijin wants to remove it they cant, heck, I’ll re-archive it just for posterity again.


Big backup for some reason today, will edit when its posted.


MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details - Official News, Development Blogs and Updates - War Thunder — official forum (

Here we are, I wonder if it will show now.


It was classified as a SPAAG way back in the day. However, people would bring it and use it as a TD (quite effectively since it was before a lot of ERA vehicles). So Gaijin’s solution was to classify it as a TD, the only SPAAG to do so even though other SPAAG are in the same scenario (like the Leo 40/70, or the LVKV-40, or the L-62 Anti, or the CCKW 40mm, or the M19, or M42, or the ZSU-37, etc. etc. etc.)



Whomever it is really takes offense to the archiving of the thread, they keep mass reporting the posts even after staff open them back up.



Have you considered asking the staff what measures are being taken to account for wasting their time?

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On my end its automated, I don’t have any involvement, I just keep getting notifications of the post being opened and closed.

Yeah well I’ve had it on another thread and apparently the Mods can’t really do much.

That was near enough verbatim what I was told.

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