MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

AFAIK, Contact 5 is specifically designed to counter kinetic rods. It is a Soviet/Russian counter design. The West didn’t design ERA like that, because they have no reason for it. They needed to counter HEAT primarily. So this is historically accurate.

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You always talk as if youre representing some big group but i never see anyone liking your messages…


I implore you to delete or edit your own replies to those comments then.
Cause when I edit a post it’s purely to fix a mistake and that edit is an admission of my mistake, which is almost always some word missing that caused misunderstanding, and sometimes hyperbole.

My only intention when editing my own posts is to portray myself as accurately as possible.
I’m a simple high functioning autistic man that has no time for malice.

I see people liking the exact same opinions I shared, so it’s still a win to me.
I don’t care really if I’m disliked, I only care if people attack others in threads that cause derailments.

This is about MANPADS, I woke up to over 5 people talking about me instead of the MANPADS I want improved.
You can rightfully dislike my hyperbole, and I dislike it too.
You gotta admit my stances are in-line with the community almost always even if I’m foolish sometimes & state hyperbole.

We have to focus on improving Stingers and improving the game itself instead of being mad at others.

I don’t care enough to pretend i’m better than i actually am.

Sure doesn’t seem like that to me.

So to me it seems you are said derailment like literally everyone has been saying here.



I honestly think that’s describing dead on what’s been happening. They just didn’t consider a bit more thoroughly what the hell they were actually doing :D

I can only repeat what I did for the past 7 years. The development needs what we call in the industry “some proper f***ing standards” and a clear rulebook by which these standards can be applied to new evidence as well as changed if they turn out to be not adequate - but only then.


What alwis is doing right now is derailing the thread to make it full of off topic arguments so the real information that was posted earlier will be harder to find.


The people I usually see liking messages are a group attacking one person (who may or may not be right). In this case Alvis is not in the wrong… he just took a method I personally wouldn’t have to engage with the issue.

You and the people “liking” the posts are derailing him further. Leave it be.

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sry i just get really pissed if someone turns my words into something i never said and then calls me things like Russian Main/Shill or NATO Hater


but back to the topic i semi checked Gaijins Math on the Stinger and the turn radius seems to be some weird number thats not listed anywhere while in any Document only the Maximum Radius is listed So far Speed and Range is correct but radius and thus Overload is not

Just got the 2s38 and my god its disgusting, 9 kill game and I dont even know how to fully use it yet. Its turret rotation, survival and post pen are just insane, and its resdy rack replenishment is stupid. Why the hell does the HSTVL take 20s per shell and this is .5s

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And hulldown behind hard cover it’s so strong it’s not even funny.

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Your statcard. Looks similar to your HSTV-L performance.

Two aren’t really comparable
You’re comparing apples and oranges here

Closer equivalent would be Begleitpanzer 57 or Strf9040

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Well → i never saw Goofy missiles on Russian Sides.

Remember that Magic-II was immediately bug reported for the dual plan steering.

Yet now that R-73 use Thrust-Vectoring, we are still waiting for Magic-II to have 50G peak maneuvrability.

→ being goofy is always for one side ←

And T-2k exemple you gave → MiG-19 was able to “supercruise” (mach 1 with no Afterburner), for about 2.5 years

The problem was that Japan was in waiting for much more modern aircrafts and had nothing else to have → how to make people grind Japan if nothing was attractive?

That’s also because they add the T-2k to the line than most FM of Japan aircrafts which were UFOs got fixed.

I’m still waiting T-4 trainners today as attack aircrafts

I’m also in the wait of MiG-21 F-13 and PFM to go back to 10.0 BR, were they belong → MiG-21 F-13 is so easy that i’m having 2 KD without even tryharding,… just flying casually.

→ the Bias is present,… until now they were hidding it, while today, they say it out-loud in front of the community.

It’s normal to see people reacting over this massive issue now that they made it clear.


The most interesting thing to come from this and the whole Abrams armor issue is Gaijin’s adamant stance on what is a clearly bad take. How many comments later of this clearly being a no-go, unliked, unpopular line of reasoning and game decision and they’re sticking with it.

Thats the kicker, at least for me. I don’t think it’s a ludicrous idea for a developer to come back to this and be like “Yikes. Okay. Clearly we missed the mark here. We are going to revisit this” either in the form of a better explanation, a better justification, or even just course correction.

Forum moderators and community managers have stated time and time again “we are always passing along feedback and suggestions to the devs” and I just have to know, what from this entire thread is calling for the “stay the course”?


“We don’t understand why the Stingers and Mistrals are superior to Iglas, so they aren’t.”

-Gaijin’s “experts” (also, incidently, Russian missile engineers)


You know it’s bad when even TEC finds gaijins actions questionable.


On one hand, some of you are nasty towards Gaijin.

On the other, I feel like they kinda earned that by their attitude towards the player base.

No real discussion. I’d be surprised to see their answers to our replies.
Ignoring sources.
Blatant ignoring of bug reports.

Gaijin, you need to get better.


First off, I’ll clarify that I’m one of your precious whales. You know, the 1% you claim spend money on the game (not that anymore remotely believes that).

This thread is embarrassing, and your repeated attempts to justify your assumptions are particularly so. Please stop it.

If you don’t have stats for a vehicle, don’t put it in the fucking game. No magic made up 2S, no magic made up top tier, no magic made up bollocks.

I won’t be spending money any further until you people sort your crap out with this obvious Russian bias.