MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

off topic but there is a reason why, when russia have consistently got that favourtism over other nations its blatant to see and call out.

Russia got th first SAM added to the game, they got the R73s and it was ONLY till the community went ape that 9Ms got added THEN gaijin added R72s with absurdly good IRCCM to curb the fact R73s got pushed under the rug.

Or the odd 300mm plate or whatever it was that was present in the IS6 for ages… wasnt till someone on the community blasted gaijin for it in the SDK that “oh 1 patch later it got removed” and IS6 went from unpennable in the turret to pennable by almost everything at its BR.

Oh lets not forget the spall liner on the T90M… you know the spall liner that existed on a lot of NATO vehicles years prior but gaijin decided T90M gets first treatment (wonder why) totally nothing to do with the fact the T90M without spall liner was going to be just a T72B3 with extra armour :D they needed something to set it part but again wasnt till community blasted gaijin that everyone and there grandmother stated with the spall liner on NATO tanks.

and now this blog with its utterly contradictory use of “russian sources for NATO weapons” when we categorically got told multiple times that was not allowed when bug reporting Abrams DU armour.

Or the strela with its 20g IRCCM missile with optical tracking for helicopters sits 0.4 BR lower than a ozelot without 20g missile, without optical tracking :D right and how many BR changes have we gone through since then? whats the betting the next one in 2024 doesnt see the strela move up to 10.0 or higher where it belongs.

Or the 2S38 which literally is a better otomatic and sits lower in BR…

I dont deny non russian nations have bias treatment but lets not beat around the bush here, every time x nation got a minor favouritism treatment russia got something to supersede it very quickly OR they got first dibs on such a system.


The difference is that when other nation’s vehicles overperform, they are nerfed within a patch, something that Russian vehicles seem to be immune to. Before the addition of spall liners and the 2A7, Russia had been dominating top tier GFB for ALMOST TWO DAMN YEARS, WITH NO NERF IN SIGHT. Remember when the 2A5 was added and it had 1200mm of KE protection? IT GOT FIXED IN 5 DAYS. Or when the PUMA was at 8.3? You seem to forget how long the BMP-2M stayed at the same BR with a similarly performing gun and FOUR OF THE BEST ATGMS THAT CAN BE FIRED ON THE MOVE in the game.

It’s very easy to dismiss stuff as “It’s JuSt A bUg”, lol. Everything is a bug, nothing is intended)))) I don’t know which is worse; The fact that Gaijin is incompetent in fixing their game when provided with multiple sources on things they get wrong or Gaijin refusing to nerf SU/RU / buff NATO because of some preconceived bias.
I’d be more accepting of the second since at least they have a reason to be this damn bad.


Bro just stop it. You’re not the “voice of the community” or whatever you think you are. Even comparing yourself with some big creators on the community’s. Let me tell you this straight to your face: you’re a nobody. Your opinions only represent you, besides the fact that you love to gaslight everyone when you’re wrong. Please spare us of your useless tantrums.


and Kikka should have at least a reflex sight for aiming rather than a single stick, which is worse than what their BR 1.0 planes have.

Wasnt the TVD we have on the T80B and T80U like on a single tank, or im mistaking it for some other series of tanks?


You seriously think of yourself as some god among men if you honestly think we are complaining about all those CCs by calling you a troll… Give me a break.

Ok then bud. Show me your primary source that designates 2s38 as a light tank.

I’ve literally never seen anyone call it a light tank except war thunder.

Says the kid always crying about personal attacks lmfao.


But them asking for specific thicknesses and arrays in said armour doesn’t quite feel like estimates to me.


RazerVon woke up from his nap in the trollcave.


oh look its AlvisWisla aka RazerVon going weird again dude you go around and attack people turn stuff around lie to people make stuff up and you wonder why people are against you just WOW


Yes, my opinions only represent me, I’m glad you got to that conclusion.
Most of my opinions COME FROM others, including Flame, OddBawz, CaveNub, Defyn, and so forth.
People that have knowledge on aspects that I haven’t researched personally.
No one is gaslighting you.

And prove that Mistral & Stinger are accurate then.
You claim I’m wrong, so prove that I’m wrong.

Thinking of myself as a cog in the wheel of the community. YOU think of me as a god for some reason.
We just want Mistral and Stinger improved…

I’ve been attacked more than most just for sharing facts & opinions that the community itself starts…
Just like in this thread where I’m attacked after wanting Stinger & Mistral improved.

I’m attacked for wanting the same thing as the community for no reason…

Are you serious…? You call THIS ENTIRE THREAD russian fanboys??

You’ve never been a healthy member of this community.

God i hope you get permabanned already.


you told people that i said i flag every post before you turn our words around to make us look like fools you are just a nobody


It’s literally an BMP-3 chassis with an anti-aircraft cannon attached to it. The Begleitpanzer from the 70s is way more complex and obscure in terms of available public information.

CV9040, AJAX, EBRC Jaguar…The concept of a IFV with a medium caliber cannon isn’t new at all.

come on flag my POSTS again like i give a shit about you

Dude you ruin every single thread you stumble on…

Just go away.


Dare I say they did and many choose to ignore that because it either doesn’t fit their agenda or they’re past memories. Whatever will get them the most upvotes.


You are shot down more times from the “striel” vehicle than from its Chinese counterpart, maybe that’s why?

I now use Striely myself and as a user I believe that it is completely broken and contradicts most of the laws of physics, especially considering that it is a very old technology that is “unrealistic” at that time.

Very often I feel guilty shooting down enemy planes with this broken vehicle, the missile can make a zigzag in the air

reminds me of the UFO Flight Model the Mig 19PT had for over 6 months

Thats hypocracy and both of us are better then that.

No need to deny how other nations overperformed on certain areas.

No one is arguing here that gaijin “calculations” if can call it that, are right. The overwhelming majority of the dudes here are just in chock that they could just admit their double standards to our faces.
The point in question is you trying to derrail the topic with useless discussions about diferent vehicles and what not, and when proved wrong, gaslighting everyone else saying that we are attacking you because you dont like gaijin. Just stop it.
We have a expression in Brazil for what you are doing: “morde e assopra”, literally speaking “bite and blow” or “criticize and praize”. You turn arround the whole god damn topic about manpada being wrong, you say “manpada need fix”, but then you say “well but gaijin is right in x, y, z and w subjects” that are not even in discussion here, and when proved wrong or being told to stop you say “stop attacking me for saying gaijin wrong”. Thats just stupid and doesn’t help anyone. Grow the fuck up.