MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

A simulation of the POST Seeker ( MIM-72G & FIM-92B and later);

Do you have one for RMP? Although I guess the RMP would need to be an improvement upon the POST.

The only change the RMP introduced was allowing the Flare detection logic to be reprogramed at the depo level as to be rapidly optimized against an emerging novel countermeasure. Instead of needing to be returned to the factory, in order to be reconfigured by a wholesale guidance section replacement within the AUR.

Also a Block diagram of the Stinger POST exists;

excerpt from;

I was wondering how much of a transition to digitization they had to make, since the RMP I believe is the first fully-digital version.

Hello, Gaijin added helmet-mounted sights to the three French Tiger helicopters in this recent update. However, I still can’t use the helmet-mounted sights to guide Mistral missiles. Do you have any information to submit an issue regarding this matter?


I suggest you take it to :

That’s a known issue. A bug report was made for both HMS and HMD at the same time, so I guess we’ll have to make another report for HMS


As @vizender said, a bug report about HMSD was made. HMD was implemented, now we have to wait for HMS to be implemented as well …
It is often one step forward, one step back with Gaijin …


The FIM-92 (and assorted MANPADS) may get a large overhaul at some point in the future.

Implementing accurate limits for FIM-92 maneuverability;

(Photo)Contrast range extension for POST seeker FIM-92 var.;


I have a similar one about the MIM-72G seeker but relating to range. There is some evidence of a test firing where it successfully hit a heli at 8km range. Since 72G uses the stinger POST seeker, stinger should be able to lock at atleast 8km too


Wouldn’t matter to gaijin sadly, as they would require docs on the actual seeker saying it could do the same, even if its the exact same seeker with a worse lens of some kind.

Or they just ignore it like they do with the G overloads.

Gaijin has shown that they don’t care about accuracy anymore, they want the soviet trash to be comparatively good. Remember how it took them a year and half to start uptiering the Strela? And once it finally got moved .3 BRs below the 2S6, they immediately got a at least decent replacement?

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Is there any source of information that stinger B (post) are able to lock from 8km?

Also it’s the same guidance, not stinger seeker.

Here’s info from the 1989 RADES testing involving the I-Chaparral and Stinger, though it doesn’t specify what variants of these missiles were used but the tests were conducted in a desert environment with clear sky background which included a simulated AH-64 hovering at a simulated range of 6.5km at 45 degree aspect (Table 5 scenario 9 in the Summer 1989 tests) which is semi-side aspect and the tests includes data on the mean number on teams which decided to engage the AH-64 which was 0.31 and the data for the mean number of friendly kills in the AH-64 scenario is also 0.31 which suggests to me a 100% kill rate for the teams that decided to engage the AH-64. (Table A-11 and A-11 continued) So from this simulated testing the Stinger is capable of engaging helicopters from a range of at least 6.5km in sky backgrounds




I will be updating my report ASAP

Gunjob said I needed another secondary source, and that more than covers it


If it gets acknowledged i can’t wait to see it implemented in 2028 XD


2028 is a bit much, probably 2030 or when 5th Gen fighter are added. Yeah yeah that sound about right.

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Can you link the report.

Not ready yet, it didn’t want to accept a screenshot so I couldn’t upload. I’m out now but I’ll be back home in a few hours, will post here and any relevant threads then


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