Maneuver kills and third party penalty

Crashed enemies should be credited as a kill for the nearest enemy plane.
And if someone kills an enemy who is already in a dogfight there should be atleast a 75% SL and RP penalty to rewards on that kill to discourage third party kills after someone else already drained an enemy plane of all energy in a dogfight.

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lol Imagine being anti-teamwork.
Go do 1v1s in custom matches if you don’t want team mates to help you win.


The game itself is anti-teamwork in the way it handles rewards.

I would love a 1v1 or 2v2 plane mode with a matchmaker and rewards but it doesnt exist. Barely anyone does custom matches because this is a game with progression, me included.


I agree with maneuver kills. I also think that you should get a “kill” for every two assists.

I don’t agree with the 3rd party thing. That’s gonna get messy REALLY fast…


I agree with maneuver kills, less so much with your other point. I personally only third party when my teammate is losing, otherwise I’ll stand by and watch, but if my teammate is about to get shot down, so I save him, I don’t want to lose 3/4 of my reward


Yes, this should have been implemented years ago.


A penalty for doing exactly what you’re supposed to do in a team-based game, what an atrocious idea.

“Third-party” kills don’t exist, it’s just called teamwork.


If teamwork is supposed to be what you should do, then why does the pilot doing 99% of the work get 0% of the reward in a third party kill scenario?

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Because that’s an unhelpfully granular take on the situation. There are plenty of “useful”/“good” things that are too nebulous to be rewarded, such as climbing to altitude, or not diving on the first enemy lawnmower to appear.

Your reward is not dying, being able to continue in the match and earn more rewards elsewhere, your side winning the fight, being a step towards winning the match which also gives a reward bonus, and so on. Not everything can be valued in “dollars and cents”, as it were.


It’s also not “99%” of the work, so again, the main issue here is your own chosen perspective.


They need to re-add the reward you get for being in proximity of an enemy(ARB) and being hit by a non-pen(GRB.) Would go a loooong way to fixing the issue.

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You really trust gaijin to create an AI that can find the difference between dogfighting one plane or another. I don’t want -75% of rewards for MY dogfight if my teammate starts turning with my dogfight and I kill the enemy. If I know I’m getting killed then I’ll just corkscrew so the enemy gets next to no rewards for his kill. This system is flawed.

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Do you actually play the game? The longer a match goes on the more difficult it is to get a kill, either your team is dogpilling the remaining couple enemies or you are being dogpilled, the later scenario is actually better if you want kills.

The game is set up in a way that you do not profit from others getting kills and getting kills yourself outweights the winning bonus.
The system is anti-teamwork and you are just being a usefull idiot for the snail.


AI? A simple code that keeps track of who first/second/third entered “dogfighting rage” with an enemy and adjusts when someone leaves it would do. The one who starts the dogfight will always get full rewards if I implemented the system.

Gaijin uses bot/ai codes for most of their complicated spaghetti code stuff.

But what if say two F-14s are dogfighting, not getting anywhere and I enter the dogfight and kill the enemy. Who gets the credit? If the enemy engages me and I 1 circle him but the friendly is still dogfighting him do I not deserve those rewards?



No. We do not need more penalties in WT, and that would be impossible to implement and be consistent. Plus, we already have assists.


I would support this, so long as it could be readded in a way which prevents abuse/farming (the reason it was removed).

Perhaps proximity to whichever aircraft you currently have selected with target lock. Not flawless, but would at least require input/intent.

Your proposal is anti teamwork because it punishes players for teaming up and working with eachother to take down an enemy.

Say I enter a dogfight with the enemy, and neither of us can damage the other, so I call a friendly in an advantageous position to come and help. They successfully help and kill the enemy. Should they be punished because I couldn’t get the kill? Should they be punished for helping a teammate?


You could just wait, if your friendly wins then he gets the full rewards for his work, if he loses you can still attack the slow enemy and get the full reward.
Be more specific in the second scenario, no idea what you mean.

Assists only apply when you hit an enemy, if you do 100% of the work and stall an enemy but a “team mate” comes in and takes out the stalled enemy then you get NOTHING.

The game already punishes teamwork through the reward system.

If you didn’t damage the enemy, you didn’t do anywhere close to 100% of the work. You only did half of the work.

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