There’s a ton of vehicles on the game that are way overtiered or just generally worse than others at their own BR in which they’re stuck. Coincidentally there’s a mechanic in the game where certain vehicles have higher reward multipliers. However there’s very rarely a correlation between the two. Why?
When you have aircraft like the F-4C that gets clubbed by anything above 10.0 but can’t go any lower than that because it would be nightmarish for the subsonics it would see, it sounds like the obvious solution. Or in the cases when you have two aircraft at the exact same BR but one is clearly a direct upgrade over the other. Playing the “weaker” vehicle should give better rewards for performing well in it. And not just in terms of SL and RP but in-game score as well. I feel like, for example, an AJS37 should have a lot more score than a Mig-21bis with the same amount of kills.
It seems like such an obvious balancing solution to me. It would encourage people to play things that aren’t meta and would add more vehicle variaty in matches. Why not give people a reason to try and do well in that foldered Mig-21F-13 rather than the better in every way Mig-19 at the same BR? Instead, what we have now is an occasional rotation of the meta with each BR update where such vehicles will go up or down to either club or get clubbed accordingly or, alternatively, they’ll be stuck in limbo where they’re considered bad for all eternity because they can’t be placed any lower without full BR decompressions. And this applies for all tiers, not just jets.
Playing the underdog can be fun, but not when I get less rewards than the top dogs I’m outplaying.