Making Bushes Fair (Angle Limit for Bushes)

“P2W” so you completely forget that you can obtain them through the old and current Warbond Shop?
P2W implies there is only one way to obtain them. Not 2 ways.

Who cares if there’s an alternative way of getting them that requires you having 0 life? They exist soley as a cash grab for Gajin that gives an unfair advantage.

Sounds more like someone refuses to learn how to identify, had this discussion earlier, and my response was the Oswind I. Which was precisely the tank he bushed up. Oh and yeah surely an unfair advantage.

It doesn’t remain unfair if anyone can obtain it and oh my everyone can. Whenever it’s through WB shop or GE. It isn’t solely restricted to one person. Oh and if you weren’t driving straight, wait for them to shoot or start driving. One more thing on every map the bushes do not change color. They remain the same green even if it’s on maps that are in the autumn. The only time it changes is in snow but even then if you’re wearing that many bushes it should be fairly odd to see a giant bush that isn’t moving in the “Wind”.

So you’re saying that if you could pay money to use a King Tiger at 1.0 it would be P2W, but if you could alternatively have a 1.0 Tiger 2 by getting 1,000,000 kills in an FCM.36 then it would be perfectly fair and balanced?

Yeah. I’d support that change over this change

Having a five grand pc against an X box one is unfair,what do you propose to do about that? A ten year vet vs a newbie is unfair.Who said the game was fair? Get on with the game if you are playing it or dont play it.Buy bushes or earn them like everyone else.

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It does take time for the WB Shop however I’ve seen and know a few who got one. Pretty satisfying to see.

Right there

Yep, the tank we are looking for is the BMP.

No over there

That is is going to be damn expensive to achieve or take years to obtain for free .either way if you can achieve it do it,why crap all over what someone else has bought or earned? That kind of attitude is what’s killing this game.A big green pile of bushes is only of use in a few maps anyway.Bushes can make a tank more visible than less visible and few people even have them.

Same old argument regard nefing the hell out of bushes ,Gaijin would need to issue a refund to all those who paid for them or risk those who paid on credit card taking action.People demanding refunds from paypal is one of the reasons for negative GE is it not?

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why? they are decorations, if they didnt think the looked good, dont buy them
or did they buy bushes to have an advantage over others? :)


Same reason you pay for premium ,crew skills,premium vehicles ,to get on in the game and have an advantage over those who do not pay. What ,do you buy stuff normally for no gain to yourself? Most people in online gaming know its full of cheats and people with high end pcs and huge screens ,they know the very nature of PvP is unfair.

I know I am at a serious disadvantage on X box so might have taken any legal road to getting on an even footing and Gaijin know it hence why they offer the perks at a steep price.Then you come along and want to go pee pee over it all.

What have you paid for in this game?

Well yes, in a game no one should be able to pay for advantages over other players to have an easier experience at the expense of others specially if its done in such a blatant way, it should be an even playing field

better hardware does not equate to better performance specially on the subject at hand, having a superior hardware only makes your personal experience more pleasant, with bushes you’re hindering the experience of others
you can have the biggest screen and the most powerful gpu in the planet and still wont see a bushed up tank because they are completely covered from the front

Absolutely nothing, i know better than having to pay for advantages instead of earning my progress

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So you have no bushes yet you are a bush expert :) .I think we can see a lot about why this forum fails in many ways and why the game is now so sterile and boring.Killed by the quest for equality.

maybe you should play this kind of tank game :)

i really like your strawmanning and just because soemone does not buy or want something doesnt mean their opinion on it is discredited, specially if it affects their experience

i rather have a balance game where both me and the enemy have the same chances than there be an unfair advantage with a paywall

maybe you should be the one playing that game and stop crying about console performance
i have played war thunder on a potato pc at 25fps just fine, is not about machine performance its about game feedback and bushes remove it

Somebody having zero experience of the subject of which they are speaking is not “strawmanning” it is ignorance.

Then you sadly are playing the wrong game.

I played for four years nearly and got good enough on the console.I dont play the game much because ass holes nerfed it to death by constantly whining about unfair advantages such as hills and building to hide behind so Gaijin nerfed them all and we have boring flat empty maps now.So thanks for your input.

You suggestion might be worth something if you owned and used bushes but as you don’t its worthless.They dont and wont win you games.Moving from X box to X box X boosted my win rate significantly ,it was a major revelation and I have a huge advantage over somebody on the old console.There is only inherent inequality in online gaming and people trying their best to overcome it.

Maybe you should play a PVP game where you all pay and all get the same or try to find one that does not seek to makes its money by selling items to its players.

For as long as I’ve been on these forums, and that’s not long, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a suggestion thread have to be cleaned up like this one. From all the off-topic comments to the now somewhat personal jabs…

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The whole issue is not one of just bushes but F2P players speaking with zero experience of the subject they raise simply because they do not pay a dime and it’s not just F2P vs “P2W” its non flyers moaning about CAS or people who have never played as Russia moaning about Stalinium.

Bushes were already nerfed ,you can now MG them off which is a movement of the goal posts for the people who have them and paying players are having stuff ruined to appease no payers.How is that good for a game that survives by selling stuff?

I don’t pay any more as a result of nerfing and players moaning and Gaijin appeasing
them but how is that good for the games survival? So the game is no longer profitable and Gaijin close it down.

All those F2P players wasted 1000s of hours but it was due to their bitching the game finished.

Correction boring linear flat maps. Thankfully Sim doesn’t suffer this too much since they don’t have red border blocks.