I’m not mad that bushes can be shot off since often or not most people won’t bother trying to do so and even then chances are they’re dead by then. So MGing bushes wasn’t a positive nor was it a con. But to each their own.
Was the last part a jab at Enlisted? Anyway, you’re going far off-topic.
War Thunder does not depict the real world in any way and it shouldn’t. It is a game. And it is a clear and unfair advantage if you can cover your tank to the point where weakspots become nigh impossible to identify. And it definitely matters. If I am up against a russian T-series tank, I’d like to know if im looking at a T-90M or a T-80BVM as they have some clear differences in terms of weakspots and weaponary.
I don’t care so much for the bushes themselves. But when I am looking at a tank that is completely covered in bushes to the point where I can’t identify what type of tanks, then thats just pure bs. Bushes give clear gameplay advantages and shouldn’t be available for purchase for GE. They should make them purchasable for SL instead. And no, I don’t care about the Warbond Shop offering me 1 bush every 2 months. That is not sufficient. It is clear and cut pay 2 win, period.
It wasn’t fair irl either. Nor should it be fair in the game. Call it BS all you want, but if you cannot identify what it is, you won’t risk charging it frontly. You’re gonna bunker down. Wait for it to fire. Which will be a massive narrowing down on what vehicle it is likely. Cough cough barrel is often a major give way on what it is.
Or if you don’t have the patience for that drive in reverse and find somewhere else. For a kill.
Cause your argument is the same as everyone else’s argument “I can’t see it, I can’t tell what it is.” Which is precisely what made ambushes horrifying in narrow spaces. Or even in open fields.
Unfair mechanics are bad mechanics. This is a video game, not real life.
Currently, bushes are an unfair mechanic because they are easily bought, but not easily acquired when F2P, and they give too large of an advantage over players who don’t have them.
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All they need to do is force the sim thing where you cant cover your optics or it shows in gunner and commander sights. That would be an easy 1 day fix that would be a good start.
I recently redid all my camoflague to work in sim battles, and its a lot less cancerous what you can do. Side affect is your camos look more realistic (unless you use the ugly tropical or bright ones).
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RB is not Sim. You do that you converting it into SIM.
Sim is meant to be the closest to a Realistic feel without going too far into the Niche. While RB is a blend between both AB and Sim. Taking aspects of both. Going by your logic Sternlos makes it almost indistinguishable from Sim.
I would not limit the angels but if optics are obsrtuced then detecion range, ranging and from thrid person or close in peron view(for sim) you should get a lot bushes in your face. Like sploges or shadows limiting your field of view.
Risk vs Reward
Yes you get outsanding concleament, its a importantt tactical advatage but if you trun your self in to a pickel you have to have the propertys of a pickel as drawback.
change it that the bushes when obstructing optics would limit the players field of view.
No matter the game mode.
- your crew skills get debuff for all vision based skills.
- you camer view, no mattter if you are in first person or 3rd person gets visully obstructed too.
Btw when bushes came out the same crying brought us here. and you are limited to one bush size at maximum.
Sad cant have 5 big bushes.
Concelmant is important too learn to live with it and use it to your advantage.
Go play Sim then. Your comment makes little logical sense.
Once again. “War Thunder does not depict the real world in any way and it shouldn’t. It is a game.”
But sure, lets take balance and remove it entirely. I don’t mind if the bushes remain then. But they shouldn’t be GE only or once every few months in the warbond shop. In real life you don’t have to pay to pick up bushes on the side of the road. :)
I’ll say it once more, the game takes real life, armor penetration, armor thickness, and vehicle speed, etc. into consideration when adding the vehicle to the game. This includes figuring out the performances.
Just because it’s a “Game” doesn’t mean jack. Digital Combat simulator uses all the real-life documentation, as well as 2nd and 3rd sources, to get a nearly 1-to-1 accurate depiction of its real-life counterpart. This leads to the Feds->FBI telling them to make it slightly different from the real thing(Unless it was retired) so other countries cannot use the game and learn how the aircraft performs. War Thunder makes attempts at the same thing.
What I’m stating still applies to ground vehicles. Just because you don’t think so doesn’t mean you’re right. , HeIl I might not even be right however going off what the Developers have said in the past and present. This seems to still be the case.