you can disable joining games in progress right, then why cant you disable tier variation, on for everyone untill they disable it, its a option that whoud give you a warning that it can make queque much longer, but let me disable it, i dont like dowtiers and hat uptiers. let me play on MINE br
optional thing please
I don’t think this would ever happen. No scratch that, this will never happen. I’d like it, but it won’t happen.
why not
If they make it optional nobody would keep it enabled…
Just learn how to play against uptier tanks and get used to ± 1BR system.
If there were 6x - 8x more players on at all times, that might be an option, as is . . that is not feasible at all. You will notice that Gaijin will never do anything that would increase wait times. And the reason for that is very simple . . . people, and especially gamers, have no patience. Not only will the vast majority of WT players not wait long periods to get into a match, ANY kind of match, the odds are very likely that they would simply leave the game rather than wait. That in and of itself, could/would cripple the game and could also in the long run, virtually end it. I am pretty sure no one wants that. While many understand and may agree with your sentiment, the proposal you offer simply cannot work in the state the game is in now. Personally, I think the best option is to ignore BRs, don’t even look at them. Just shoot the red guys and play the objectives as best you can. If you see a vehicle you do not think you can handle you have like 3 options: Bull rush them and hope for the best(you’ll prolly die) or get some team mates and gang up on them or . … . run away. “He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day” - Bugs Bunny. War isn’t “fair”, and while this is a video game, it has a pretty level playing field. In that the +/- BR you can face is the same for everyone. There are equal numbers of players(usually) on both teams and no one has a “crippling” advantage the majority of the time.
Find the parts of the game that are fun for you to play & do that. Try not to add any more pressure on yourself than the game already does, less stress. Don’t let the “grind” turn the game into work . . work not fun, game fun . . . it’s up to you most of the time . . . and playing in a Squad can help deal with a lot of that stuff too.
Id rather they just add SB style BR brackets to the other game modes. With rotating brackets
The game would collapse.WT is based on a 12 year old deeply faulted system and thats the way it is.
Just decompress the BRs and balance them more.
That idea just won’t work.
Okay, sorry for the blunt response with no reasoning. I just needed to type it out and run. I’ll give some reasoning now.
- The BR system is not that bad, at least to me. It’s just the compression at some BR ranges that makes it difficult. Like one BR being played more than another. If they took the +/-1 system out then people would still play one BR over another, and nothing would really be fixed. I actually think that some BR’s would die out.
- Even if it was optional not enough people would enable it. Unless the majority of people that play enabled it would take ages to get into a match, like you said. No one that plays video games has the patients to wait for a match to start when they have the option to get into a match 10 times faster when not having this enabled.
- BR’s don’t even mean that much. All it really does is try to balance the game. It keeps it from a M1A2 going down to 1.0 and fighting a BT-5, but in the end it doesn’t stop that, because you can a bring the BT-5 up to 12.7… They just keep higher BR vehicles from fighting super low tier vehicles, and try to keep it so your fighting vehicles that are “balanced” to your own BR.
Conclusion: I think it would be interesting to see this game with no uptier/downtier but it will never happen. I think a better thing to address is decompression and specific vehicles BR’s/abilities (like airspawns). It’ll fix what you want, which I’m guessing is stop fighting “overpowered” vehicles or ones that are harder to fight in uptiers or easy to just stomp on others in downtiers
*Note- I’m very tired rn and haven’t slept in a few days so my ideas and comments may be a little strange or not fully formed. I’ll come back to it if any questions are raised by it. Imma try go get sleep now :)
Incorrect. It’s because the average player can only play for about 30 minutes per day because people have lives. Not everyone is as souless as me. Because of that, wait times have to stay low so the people who don’t have much time to play can still get 2-3 matches in.
Me sat in a NRB queue for 15 minutes
Just out of curiosity, what is your source data? I will admit mine is based off personal experience more than anything. But common sense and what I assume is common knowledge would support my “theory”. And wouldn’t “lack of time” be a major contributing factor to a person having even less patience? I mean being in a hurry and lacking patience go hand in hand . . to me anyway. And watching players rush caps, bomb targets and whatever else they are in such a hurry to get to shows a lack of patience as well. And that too is very common in matches here. Heck the whole thing is basically a race the majority of the time anyway. I don’t see a lot of patience in any aspect of the game at all . . . . lol. Even here on the Forum, compare the number of posts saying “Thanks for taking care of my issue in such a prompt manner” to the “What’s taking so long?!?!? reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”
lol . . . ok, I went a little overboard, but I hope you see what I am saying . . . not a matter of right or wrong anyway . . ☻
If you have 4-5 nations then just don’t bother spawn and quit every uptier match whenever you see 100sp, bro lol
that will never happen, like they already force planes and helicopters in ground battles to grind the aviation tech trees, they hence dominate ground forces, think about that for a moment
obviously if they can’t even spare people the option to actually play a pure tank mode, they will never give you that kind of luxury
yeah that’s true too, but damn, i swear there’s a modifier to land 80% of your games in uptiers, because when i go up 0.3 in br, what was a common sight to see the tanks that would uptier me every match in the last br i was playing before now becomes a constant 0.3 or 0.7 uptier
but i get the intention that it’s purely to make the grind more frustrating, but it feels real scummy, no fair game intended
Jokes aside, I guess it has a lot to do with player counts, 9.3 is known to be an uptier fest where you would face 10.3 in 8 out of 10 matches, but during the sales I have had a bunch of full downtier to 8.3, my T-64A currently has around 20 kills with only 1 death lol
I guess the only thing they could do is have 1BR then 2BR.lose the 1.3 1.7 then if a vehicle moves up a touch it may be less noticeable.All a tiny movement in raising br does in reality is destroy line ups.its a somwhat fake business and causes more hassle than it solves.or just use the tier system only and lose BR completely.
This would mathematically only be possible if the BR-Range would be 0.3, instead of the 1.0 we have.
A BR range of 1.0 and 4 equally distributed BR’s within that range will of course lead to 75% of the players uptiered (fully, partially and slightly) and 75% downtiered (fully, partially and slightly).
Human mind will then have the 75% of th eplayers who are fully, partially and slightly uptiereed to feel at a disadvantage, and only the 25% feel at an advantage…
France 8.0 isn’t uptiered 75% of the time, it’s more like 90%+ of the time.
Using unstabilised heat slingers at 8.7 is, quite frankly, god awful game design.
Something needs to change.