Is it time to lose the BR ,have divisions and let the public pick and chose what works for them? Condition the public to be less concerned with BR in the same way you have conditioned them to be fixated by it?
Crazy to me how many people actually think this is about wait times being longer for being the reason this would never happen. I assure you the ±1 BR system is only there for one reason and one reason only … Money. It’s a frustration technique that’s designed to frustrate you enough to get you to spend money to try to counter it. This is why it will NEVER go away and will ALWAYS be here like it or not.
The problem is the matchmaker is designed to ensure that Warthunder gets those 30 minutes, and it attempts to break the barrier to get more time from people.
Trying to do special task to get best squad? Get randomly placed into No Squad at all multiple times.
Have a good match? Play again.
Get completely wrecked with an invisible team? have to play again to get second desired good match.
Get downtiered and stomp the other team? Felt good but want some competition. Have to requeue.
Even match but you get carried and never see enemy team. Have to requeue.
Etc etc until # of good matches are satisfied.
Are you guys sure a 0 spread would be a good idea?
Each match BR would have the same vehicles and be “dominated” by the same few that are a bit better…
It would be fair (at least in theory)…but would it be fun? I actually like having to think how to maximize my vehicle effectiveness depending on BR…
High BRs i have to make sure i dont waste it…Low BR i have to find ways to get the kills…
BTW…i am NOT saying 1BR difference is ideal…but i think 0BR is also a bad idea…i can imagine the 3.7 being dominated by T34s and M10s…or 7.0 with KTs and M26s…
And yes…game “evolution” depends a lot on players wanting the bigger vehicle in the match…usually when it has a higher BR than the player vehicles…
(but this is not my point…)
0 spread is a far way away from the current 1.0 swing. If the battle tasks were a bit more forgiving, I’m not sure if this conversation would be had as often.
There’s a perk to letting heavy tanks feel like heavies, promoting playing around the compositions of the enemies, but the game feels like a casino. It’s not a casino strictly in terms of matchmaking, but it’s a casino in terms of the uphill climb through the matchmaking variability for completing tasks. If the tasks weren’t distracting, it might put more negative light on the matchmaker, so who knows what can be changed or solved.
Most wargames (and sims) will use “weights/values” for heavy (or otherwise better) vehicles…and balance the TEAMS.
Problem is that PLAYERS never adehered to these solutions…those on “lesser” vehicles will simply not play…
I dont do tasks…stopped some years ago…not even sure how they work these days…
Maybe the game would benefit from an actual upfront matchmaker or a match preview. Some people leave after loading in and checking the BR of the enemy team. If you leave an uptier, you shouldn’t be graciously placed into a downtier. Tricking the player into thinking it’s all entirely random is a problem I think.
The BR’ system is fine, in theory. The problem is, the BR’s are so compressed, and that is by design.
The entire point of this game is to make money, and the best way Gaijin have found to do this, is to frustrate you. If you get frustated, then you’re more likely to buy a premium to get the “better” tank.
You can see the willingness to mess around with where things should be when a new premium is released. Look at the vidar, released at 7.7. No reason for that, other than to make it more attractive so people will buy it.
So yeah, we’re screaming into the void here as it’s not going to change.
That’s how current SBEC matchmaker works right now.
I rarely play sims but, really enjoy it because you don’t have to face a far better aircraft anymore, and you can actually dogfight with skills between almost equal aircraft.
I don’t any problems for these cases in ARB at the least…
Bf 109 F-4 vs Yak-3 early(soon™)
Bf 109 G-2 vs Yak-3
Bf 109 G-6 vs P-51D-30 (there are 0.3BR difference but still fine imo)
MiG-15 vs A-5 Sabre
MiG-15bis vs F-25 Sabre
MiG-17 or CL-13A Mk.5 vs F-2 Sabre or Hunter F.1
Shenyang F-5 and CL-13B Mk.6 vs F3H or Hunter FGA.9, G.91Y/YS
MiG-19PT/MiG-19S vs F-100A/F-100D
MiG-21MF/MiG-21SMT vs F-4F or F-104G (there are 0.3BR difference but still fine imo)
MiG-21bis vs F-4E/F-4EJ
F-16A ADF or F-14B vs MiG-29A
If you are looking to take a bad vehicle and beat a far better vehicle, that is fine.
However, almost every player in this game doesn’t think so that and, there are players who want to fight almost equally just like me so, playing uptiers/downtiers should be options like SBEC.