Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)


According to a post published on September 15, 2020, by ArmyRecognition, the United Arab Emirates (UAE ), users of the Leclerc Main Battle Tank (MBT) for more than 20 years, have decided to donate 80 of these tanks to Jordan . This number should allow Jordan to equip two of the four tank battalions belonging to its 3rd Armored Division.

They don’t have it now, but that doesn’t mean they won’t have it in the future. This doesn’t say anything about Brazilian vehicles not being able to be introduced into the Italian line, it just says that there are lots of Jordanian vehicles that can be introduced into the British line.

They share the same caliber as part of the NATO standardization but they are not the same design. The same goes for the M68 which has similar characteristics due to standardization and even shares the same barrel, but is a completely different gun.

I love to remember that I got TK’d every other match (until Privacy mode was introduced), death and rape threats, suicide wishes and consistent deep hatred and slander (even to this day) for supporting higher rewards for defeats so matches like these weren’t so painful for thosw who didn’t deserve to be punished for being on the wrong team because “supporting that was what ruined the game” xd

So every time I see examples of why I supported that change, like this one, it puts a smile on my face.

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Most notable would be the EE-9 Cascavel and the EE-17 Sucuri, one with just the cannon and the other with the French turret. Most of what Brazil bought from France was not heavily modified.

The F-103E which was a slightly modified Mirage IIIE could launch Python 3 though




L7A1 and guns based on it

They are still not the same design. The M68 has a completely different breech and the Oto Melara 105/52 does not share the same barrel. They are both different designs made to meet requirements that the L7 did not meet and mostly share only the same caliber/shells.

Were will go Brazilian EE-T1 / EE-T2 Osorio?

It has vickers turret


Now you have a point

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we realy dont wanna start start argument lol
Else germany gonna start with the vickers mk 7 xD

clearly it’s an Strv 121 hull and it should go to Sweden

What about the Israeli 105mm Sharir cannon?

thats just not true tho, the gap will be smaller

say the JA37D goes to 12.3
and to replace the JA37D br the JA37C can get RB 74

instead of 10.3 → 11.0 → 11.3 → 12.7
it will be 10.3 → 11.3 → 12.3 → 12.7
so 2x 1.0 br gap instead of 1x 0.7 and 1x 1.4

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able to pull 12G+ irl and was literally only limited by the pilot
invented the cobra

Gaijn sees this and goes ‘ah yes not manuverable’


Extremely high AOA does not mean highly maneuverable. It means it has fantastic AOA

It was highly manuverable lol

Like seriously, go look at videos of the damn thing, it was an aircraft literally limited by what the pilot could handle

Well that and superstalling


If the rewards were even half of what AirRB gives you, id play tanks all day. Its painfully slow.

Its original fm is the best imo

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Wait is this real ? lol

yyes, it’s real lol

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