Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Bad excuse, that’s your words, it’s not named the “English Channel” for us, nor it’s translation x)

Here they talk about a new local publisher for the CIS countries and Georgia
“Wonderful” news from the .ru forum. How much difference do you think there will be in the content?


Just to keep you guys updated, i have created a poll in the MM/Eco/Prog section of the suggestions forum, (on my previous post below) I’m awaiting it to be checked before being signed off and shown, but once live could you please put your vote to the poll on this, i think its important. (i will notify you guys once its live - probably a few days)

Thanks for your time and thanks for my TED talk, Love you all Tubby!


Any chance we can get the x5 back for the 1st match of each nation on the live server ???

would give people with limited time focus on the nations they need.

Also incentivises people to log in and at least do 10 matches (that’s if each nation get a x5 for the 1st match)

estimated 2.5 hours if average match is 15 mins long


smins still in holiday

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No harm in trying lol

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Looks like update is really close


I mean its most likely Tuesday next week


So… the Vigg-D isn’t getting its RB-99’s?


Not hinted at in any official correspondence or on the dev server sadly.



Cant wait to see how they performance of the j35’s and JA’s are affected after the flight model nerfs

Horrible; it’s almost being Halved, on someone’s homemade math equation that’s better than flight manuals.


My poor J35XS….


This is why i hate this game.
Why should i get punished with less rewards if i lose.
Why would there even be a losing penalty.


<3 useless teammates

Yeah, i just have premium so that all my lost games are being compensated to non premium winning games.

Almost makes you wish for like, reverse-skill based match making.

Instead of matching people of similar skill, it should block off players who consistently perform bad into their own match making

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No. There should be less respawns to be had instead so that the single palyer has a higher chance to actually impact the game greatly.

This quite litterally just sounds like skill based matchmaking with unnecessary extra steps.

Nah just the really crap players get sandboxed, everyone else gets the stock matchmaker

This would be a very interesting change, especially if rewards were updated to be similar to Air RB