Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Canada as a subtree for Greenland

West Taiwan as a subtree for Taiwan


South Canada as a sub tree for Canada.

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The F-4F ICE did use the AIM9L/I tho

Where did you get the idea that AIM-9Li’s weren’t used on the F-4F ICE?

@NoahHuls there is like 50 different SISU and Patria veichles that can be added to Finland lmao. but other than that. ye. not so much that is unique

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True we dont have real evidence, the f4f ice needs its iris-t at least we got videos of them shooting it

I mean Vilkas is already a thing xD that train went by britain quite a while ago



I still yet to see a usable british boxer in terms of war thunder unless they being the one with javelin on an RCWS, the brimstones boxer is pretty límited by range

The entire Finnish ground sub tree could be unique. There is about half the amount needed for an independent tree, in fact, if you count everything.

No real evidence other than the multiple documents saying it used them.

It was bait/a joke about how to get to part 6 before the update releases.


Ach so.

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its not what could get added its what did get added

ah ye. true

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We forgot to hold up the joke sign xD our bad


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Honestly, addition of this one would lead us to part 7


There is two things that need to be said.

The first is stock IRCCM missiles for EVERY top tier (12.3-13.0) aircraft.

Secondly: AIM-9L Genetic Modification C - AIM-9L(C)


Did the F-4F ICE really get avionics and radar upgrades to sling AMRAAMs but did not get a new cockpit HUD? Relying on the outdated 60s symbology for BVR combat? I really thought it would be more in line with that on the F-4S.