AIM-9L Genetic Modification C - AIM-9L(C)

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This suggestion is for the addition of british genetic c modified AIM-L’s to the game.
It could be added to the Tornado GR.1, Harrier I| GR.7, Tornado F.3 and Tornado F.3 AOP. This missile would also be useful for the british typhoons which have no tie to the AIM-9M missile.
This missile itself would be very similar in performance to the BGT AIM-9Li, and would be de-chirped. This addition of this missile would solve gaijin’s issue of whether to implement de-chirping improvements, since the 9L(C) would be restricted to higher BR aircraft. Therefore this missile would offer IRCCM capability and enhanced seeker range over the standard 9L missile.






Genetic C modification:









My suggestion for it’s implementation would be that on aircraft currently using the AIM-9M, it replaces the stock AIM-9L giving a weaker but still capable IRCCM missile during the stock grind, which we know is possible as seen with the R-73 missile. On aircraft not equipped with the AIM-9M, it could be added as a slightly less capable alternative to the 9M as their top IR missile.





this would be amazing but I could bet money that gaijin would add it as a modification between the aim-9L and aim-9M

Thats the intention. Something that allows a more basic option for stock IRCCM and potentially a new best missile for aircraft with a lower br than 9M would allow.

no, what i meant is that they would keep the stock aim-9Ls as they are, then the Aim-9L(c), then the Aim-9M for the aim-9M capable aircraft

eww, lets hope not, why does russia get stock irccm…

I thought that de-chirped Ls were denied on the grounds that it was an ad-hoc modification rather than for balance reasons, but it was a while ago. Maybe @Smin1080p can clarify if/when he is back from his holiday.

Also, I thought the UK DID adopt the AIM-9L/I, and even found it superior in performance to the AIM-9M. This is the first time I have ever heard of this modification, not even in books specifically about the Sidewinder have I seen anything on it.

No, since the genetic upgrades were in the 90’s i would imagine the 9Li-1 was the implemented modification.

I don’t understand? L/I-1 was a further improvement on the L/I by Diehl BGT, nothing to do with the Genetic modification.

Doesn’t the third excerpt specifically state that the C mod doesn’t improve performance against flares, this would just be a seeker with extended range?

My point is, we have a source saying the UK used genetic C modifications already did what 9Li did. If we were to purchase 9Li it would be in the improved 9Li-1 form.

Dechirping improves the seeker range significantly, the issue was Genetic A and B were not compatible with dechirp. Genetic C was done to bring this capability, past this there are no future modifications that can be found, suggesting the next “step” was 9Li-1.

This source says AIM-9Ls were upgraded to Li standard.

And @Flame2512 post on the old forums says that the UK used AIM-9Lis.

Yes, this is in the early 2000’s. I think that our description of 9Li by the Uk emcompasses both 9Li and -1. We know 9Li was not an upgrade from what we already had domestically… its a pretty logical conclusion.

What is dechirping?


To clarify yes, it was not a “balance decision” as to why the devs previously rejected de-chirped and other non standardised modifications to the Sidewinder family. New information is continuously being found by the likes of @Gunjob and @Flame2512 who frequently bring more details to light about these modifications.

So its not a complete impossibility ever to come at all. Simply at the time it was asked, it was not planned then.


will the AIM-9li-1/ RB-74(M)/ AAM-3 be converted? This is not a copy of the AIM-9M(X) (produced by Gaijin Entertainment), and there is no evidence that they are smokeless.

+1, this would be a great addition to the UK tree

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