Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Magic I and 2 were good at release, but FAR less good as they are now.

Especially now it would be nice to have Mirage IIIC at 9.7, ven without Magic I and Mirage IIIE/5BA at 10.0 but that is somewhat unlikely I fear.

Took long enough for Mirage IIIC to go to 10.0 and for Mirage IIIE to lose it’s fat.

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Only magic I for the Mirage IIIC.

And i still hope to see the Mirage IIING to come, the last of the family with canards, Mirage F1 engine and others upgrades.

my point is that it didnt matter if they were top dog if you barely seen one a game, a top dog for minors barely effects matches compared to one from the US or Russia, since if it is from a minor you might see at most 3 a game, look at the gripens, 3 nations have them and I see maybe 2 a game?

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But in regard to other aircraft at the point of introduction…

It could have been added earlier without Magic I ofc.

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But what is the issue with that?

Honestly that’s why i think they give us MICAs.

Even with MICA, 80% of the planes in each match gonna be US F16/15 and Migs.

So MICA is already balanced in a way :p

Mirage 50 or IIING when?


also if gaijin ever wanted to add smart cluster munitions
harrier with Damocles bombs >:3

I would prefer them over the Benelux sub tree tbh.

Additionally you can look at which nations are in a vehicle if its spread throught multiple nations to see who is actively playing them more. Playing my su 27 recently ive seen way more british and hungarian gripens than swedish.

Which should also be changed imo. Unless we get a seperate ground only RB mode (which I personally generally disagree with), CAS should always be nerfed to not be oppresive. As the current ground RB is the only gamemode ground players can play.

The Kh38 is already a failure in that regard.

Yeah, sure. I would agree to that as well. I wanted BeNeLux as a separate nation, or in a tab or something. Not taking a whole line in the tech tree.
There’s just too many Benelux and french stuff that could be added.


That’s one of the reason i never liked the easy copy pasta era we are in, this could “kill” some nations.
Why grind Swedish Gripens if you can have the same but with others planes if you grind another TT ?

Gripen should have stay a Swedish only plane. And this work for a lot of other vehicle in the game.


Sweden is definitely not dead

tbh if they just give every nation longer range sams, it would make CAS players actually have to deal with SAMs first (nothing more satisfying locking a pansir flying low then flying up 7km away launching a mav and going defensive in the harrier)

Already is a thing tho, sweden deltas got nerfed pretty hard this update so grind from 9.x-12.7 is gonna be a bitch for new players, that is if rank V doesnt weed them out first

I’ve seen almost no Hungarian ones, only SA or SWE ones, but that may be because I mostly play French and British planes.

Sure sure, they are far way better threated than some others nations but that’s not the point, not saying they are dead, but my point stand, why grind it in Sweden if you can find the same things AND MORE elsewhere? ^^

Not dead but definitely not appealing to play imo, im a huge draken main but if the FM from the dev goes through im not touching my glorified starfighter with a 5m pole lmao