Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

So now we can look forward to these ❤ things that can be “MAGA” lmao , and maybe the latter will be the new Golden Eagle vehicle of US

Now there is a lack of new reconnaissance vehicles on the US ground, and the Bradley HSTV-L are all too old. This time, the US TT got the Harrier II, and in the future, it will get the F/A-18C and the following two light vehicles, which will become more competitive.



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The M10 won’t be what will help the US at top tier. They already have enough light tanks in the form of the Abrams.


Joining as a light tank, which does not conflict, is placed behind the HSTV

Most supreme camo, I mean look at it


They could though… Norwegian F-16 premium anyone? Can get the F-18 via Finland iirc too?


The problem that the US is facing at top tier is that they don’t have enough armor to contest cap zones.

The M10 looks great, but for in game purposes there is no real reason to ever use it. For scouting the HSTV-L is better due to it’s smaller profile and for a fire support light tank the Abrams pretty much fits the same role in game already.

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You’ve brought up an interesting topic: 4th Gen event aircraft

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I think they would be very cool but I’m willing to bet they’re extremely underwhelming.

Not sure how people expect a glorified 105mm on tracks and a compressed 2S38 will actually perform ingame.

It shouldn’t, however.

Since we are getting the camos now I say Thursday we get the update

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The top 1 will be pretty underwhelming. The bottom one likely not as much.

A compressed 2S38 with actual gun depression and an APS (if we take the picture directly) seems like a pretty decent IFV.

It is true, but its points do not conflict with M1, and you can choose more than one when you don’t have enough points

We have an event Mirage already for a while so I’m expecting more/better 4th gen.


In b4 F-16C-30 early (small mouth) Viper with just 9Ls and 65Bs as an event plane (with bonus F-16N GE and event skins)

When the devserver closes?
Did they do it like that in the past?
Of course it’s possible but I’d guess they’d take some time patching things for a (working) day or two after the dev server closes.
Earlier the better of course! Fokker G1 let’s gooooo

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I honestly have no idea why people are excited about the M10.

I don’t think it’s designed to be anything special at all, just a gun with optics and an APS. The future of war, not very exciting for a tanker.

Has the US F-15c received its BOL pods? Can someone take a look?


I’m really not convinced we get a patch on Thursday. I bet Tuesday 18th June.


Yeah in game it’s role is already filled by the Abrams, just without scouting.

The Abrams, just like many other MBTs at top tier, are just light tanks without scouting at this point.

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And people ask for M829A4 or whatever.

Sure just give everyone like 900mm+ pen shells and stop caring about armour.