Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Right, exactly. They’ve put more time and effort into giving us the “best” mig-21 which is basically going to be DOA at 11.7 rather than finishing the placeholder flight model on the Tornado. Or replacing the placeholder MAWS on the Gr7 or replacing the placeholder cockpit HUD on the FRS1 and FA2.

Its actually insane that they’ve put more effort into this Soviet C&P than they have into either of the 2 new British aircraft being added this update


yes, your right, had forgotten what made the grizzly different and that the m4a5 (or ram 2) was based of the m3. I still stand by the fact that it should be in the british tree, along side the boarhound (which was made for us) and the locust (but not remove it from the us tree).

I say give russia indian vehicles, i dont need russian tanks or jets. as ive said, i would rather grind russia for that.

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either way, you just gotta accept you arent the targeted audience for that one. But still gotta live with all that it means of its additions and responsibilities

Yeah, time to waste a crap ton of SLs because gaijin doesnt play SB and TKs against that thing are gunna be constant.

What point is that we have tanks that did neither

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i mean, would you have been happier with india going to russia?

Russia getting Jaguar IS, Vickers M1.
And which ever other british vehicles india uses?


What makes the SK105 situation different from the Ram, where the SK105 had to go to France because its turret was based off French vehicles but the Ram should not go to the US, despite being based off US vehicles?

russia to india, but only the russian vehicles. america got the abrams because it was an american tank, we get the jag as it is a british jet, along with the india harrier, knat and anythign else.

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thats a no. because they wanted to make india a specialised sub tree. You either get everything or nothing

a unique modification built in canada? its canadian at that point, and therefore should have gone to britian.


Honestly. Yes. Jaguar IS is basically worthless for us. No one uses it. At all. Could have meant we got something actually interesting and usable. Like a New Zealand A-4

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how does the leo2a4m can fit in there? Because it is designed and produced in germany and not by canada itself?

Jaguar is British though, A-4 is American. Jaguar makes more sense for the British tree.

not only the jaguar, all british like harrier etc as well

Its a great double standard to have in game balance… If this is the case why didnt we get the swis hunter? its not a unique sub tree for germany and it would have filled a similar niche if it was in our tech tree… Not a go at you, just disappointing in the way gaijin “balance” these things.

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i want my rip off Leopard 2 and Mirage 2000

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and the Mig-21 is soviet, does it not make more ssense in the soviet TT?

Its a modification made for them so is more german, the class 3p on the other hand was made in south africa with a german engine given to them by a german company as they had an embago stopping germany from sending anything anyway. so it should have went to the SA tech tree, so britian.

2A4M CAN never even went to Canada. After they were upgraded in Germany, they went straight to Afghanistan. All modifications were done in Germany by KMW.

Sea Harrier FRS51 is basically a poor-man FA2 that would likely be at the same BR as the FA2. It would be fine anyway to be honest.

Oh well. At least it means we can get Rafales, no need to farm the French Tree anymore