Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

At least that has room for buffs. Gets a sane BR for both air and ground and prints SLs

We have made it very clear at this stage. Its been said multiple times (today alone). Its even in the Bison blog.


warcrime time

ah okay, I was just wondering If it was to free up South African Aircraft for the Tech Tree (I really hope it has, I NEED my cheetah)

That why I don’t cry about c&p cause I want Canada ^^

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I rather replace the tams with the th-301 and the others with german prototypes like the boxers, marder 2 etc.

I don’t even know now why argentinian vehicles were added if germany has this vehicle as a prototype which could have been added. There could have even been the 120mm version of the th-301. But no for some reason we get the argentinian versions

namer doesnt have any composite armour inside the hull yet. it has a ton of composite screens on it. clearly isnt finished. Baz Meshupar does have HMD

I mean you never know, Patria AMV is still missing composite armour infront.
And a bunch of armour panels, example ones between wheels.

Well… I’m just hoping the mig21 is a total financial flop and gets removed in 3 months like the Lightning F53 did

Some select additions across both nations would be pretty nice.

Cheetah C, SU-30 MKI (though we can kiss any hope of CF-18 goodbye at this point which is slightly unfortunate).

Fair enough, thats the first time i read it in a dev blog.
guess that the benefit of a recent addition and not of a nation that whose last addition was some years ago

@Smin1080p anything about the MIG-21 Bison getting its r-77? is it being talked about alteast? just wondering since bought it :3 there are vehicles at 12.3 with 4 AHR missiles so being at 12.0 with 2 R-77 shouldnt seem that unbalanced.

i mean, Uk already has 2/3 Eurocanards, might as well give them the last one

Its not planned for it. Its BR has been lowered to 11.7.


doubt it, since they specialy lowered the br

i said yet. just said what the current state of the vehicle is. and as i said its clearly not ready

Plus another thats not a Eurocanard lmao.

Yes and I said you never know… When you are dealing with gaijin.
It being clearly not ready doesnt mean much when they release vehicle such as the example given.

suspect it is some pointed reference to the Rafale… which while it’d be funny itmd be funny for precisely 0.2 seconds before we made the point we weren’t actually serious, and the French go (understandably) ballistic

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