Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Would you like one from India?

I will take an Indian aircraft all day with R-77s! point me there I will grab my wallet right now.

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Right now, the voices sound:

-Gunner: LATAM (Mexico?)
-Loader: LATAM (Mexico?)
-Tank commander: Spanish-LATAM mix (Argentina?)
-Driver: This one is very specific, but, to me, he sounds kinda like an American from Spanish immigrants who speaks Spanish as a second language xD

Ideally, there should be three Spanish variants:
-Northern LATAM (Mexico, Chile, etc)

At very least, Spanish should be divided between a general LATAM variant and a European Spanish variant, considering there are now FIVE English variants!


Thats a lotta aircraft actually without IFF.
British aircraft manufactures are coming across as quite the fratercidephiles.

iirc no AMX10P was given a mounted milan, kinda like how warrior and boxer use dismounts for Javs. The confusion comes from troops putting the mount on the roof for display. Should be able to get a VAB with milans though

gunner and loader are indeed mexican for the accent, argentinian accent its pretty characeristic, and should have more intonation at the end of some words if you know what i mean, kinda out of context but this should be a good reference to the intonation of some words


Well… They had RWR based IFF (which I don’t think is modelled) and I think they all had data-link based IFF (which isn’t modeled)

They are also all ground attack aircraft not intended for air to air combat, so IFF really isn’t needed

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they don’t sound natural either way, I’d understand if crew members were Canarian or something but they don’t even sound human, they sound like done by an AI (specially the driver one). The one that can be recognized as native Spanish is the one from the HQ at the start of the battle

it’s curious to me how argentinian voicelines sound decent yet native spanish ones are dogshit

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Sounds like they 2 other methods, not to mention proper pre flight briefings knowing what else is doing what in the area.

Unfortunately non of that applies in WT. Kinda feel that warrents some other assistance in identifying friendlies in WT sim.

They should display friendlies on the mini map, in the cockpit imo. Lot of those aircraft have that right on their MFD?

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not AI but robotic, too plain, is like the neutral spanish that are used for translation on some movies wich sounds like the line was written by an AI and the sound was made by a robot

yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if they used AI for it, like true it sounds so robotic, so souless, specially the driver

the driver just sounds like he wants to die lol


Also definitely non-native speaking xD

HQ sounds kinda Spanish, commander is a mix of Spanish and LATAM, loader and gunner are LATAM…

But driver kinda sounds like an American raised in America from Spanish immigrants who tried to teach him Spanish as a second language just in case they ever go back to Spain but he struggles to speak it because he thinks he will never have to use it.

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yeah its really weird

I understand Spanish vehicles are a minority in game currently (though the Spanish community is huge), but man, give some love to Iberia :(


It is also important to remember that crew voices aren’t just about the vehicles that would use them with the “national crew voices” setting enabled; it’s also about all the players who use the game settings voice language!

Think of all the Spanish and LATAM players who just use their game settings’ voice. They should be able to hear voices resembling their game settings’ selection :(

I play with English game settings and “national crew voices” enabled, but if they did a REALLY good European Spanish voice pack, maybe I would switch my settings, at least once in a while, hahah.

(I also think it would be nice to be able to pick a specific crew language different from the game’s settings, so if that day ever comes, I would be able to use the Spanish voices without having to switch the game settings from English.)


in addition to what Morvran said, we have very skilled ground controllers, and radios. everything combined together leads to very little issues with IFF, the issue being all the things used are either not modeled, or well not used (looking at you team chat)

I always find it funny when I see american or russian mains complaining about getting another variant of one of their planes copy paste or not

Yeah pretty sure nowadays, or even in the past half century, no western airforce really goes up if there are any serious chances of (un)friendly fire.

In WT however they are screwed.