Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Why is it weaker then the av8b+ ?

It’s not a Harrier II

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Thats supposed to tell me what exactly?
Seriously that is not an answer

Harrier IIs have larger wings and more hardpoints, so they can turn much better and (barring twin AIM-9 rails) can carry more weaponry. If a Harrier I and Harrier II get into a dogfight the Harrier II will always win. The GR.7 with 4 9Ls (and no BOL) would stomp the FRS.1 with the same loadout.

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I wonder if the “visual selector for secondary weapons with mouse control and quick access to wanted weapon” is in progress (sorry I don’t know where the spoiler is).


Yes but those arent fighter airplanes in the first place. For them realy only number and type of armament matters. And both carry the same amount of ir and fox 3 missles dont they?
At their br range the differences are to small as that br changes viable

click the cogwheel, highlight the image link and press spoiler

well,except the missle,rwr,a little powerful engine and radar ,it’s all the same as GR3 ,its body is just a first Generation harrier,very very poor

The new harrier gets a better radar as well.
Fact is zhey will perform nearly the same in ARB , a change in br womt be done

AV-8B+ doesn’t have to give up the gun for missiles either, and the GAU-12 is better than a single ADEN. If the FA.2 takes a gun, 2 AMRAAM, and 2 9M then it can’t take any BOL rails (at present), which also gives the AV-8B+ more countermeasures.

The AV-8B+ can also carry AMRAAM on the innermost wing pylons, which would give it a 2 AMRAAM advantage over the FA.2 loadout, at which point it’ll have more missiles to spend, more countermeasures to defend with, an easier time going defensive, and then better performance in a dogfight.



Worse turning also means you take longer to get into the notch, and the speed that you can react at is limited. “Hurr durr they’re both attack aircraft” doesn’t change the fact that one platform performs better than the other both generally and in air combat.


The extra 2 amraam report has been declined. Wont happen. Those planes shouldnt get into gun fights to begin with.
So like i said. It might be worse but not worsr enough for a lower br

I’m sure that if you tell the enemy team that your plane isn’t made for a dogfight they won’t try and pull you into one… I’m sure that the subsonic plane will easily outrun all the supersonic afterburning jets to avoid getting into those fights, right?


Still a fact, at that br range 12+ the difference arent enough

no if you really fly it ,you will find that it is so easy to be killed and so diffcult to get into the right position to fire a missle as it can only pull out 6G MAX at about 5000m ,remember that it is just a update
gr3 ,using the same body which is 9.7 extremely weak in 12.3 that
Unable to evade any semi-active and active projectiles of that weight

Cool, that’s your opinion, but your reasoning isn’t convincing considering a) you keep insisting that we should ignore dogfight performance when it’s inevitably going to be a factor in ARB and b) you needed the difference between the Harrier I and II explained to you at the start of the discussion, so I’m assuming you’re not too familiar with either aircraft.

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yes,but i think we should do something to catch smin1080p’ attention just like the ice


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thank god for @Gunjob

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Ok then take away its fox 3 missles and it can go to 12.0.
Br compression is a thing there will be no aircraft at 12.0 with fox 3 simple as that