Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Like i said br compression take away its fox 3 and it can go to 12.0, there wont be a fox 3 carrier at 12.0 easy as that

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GR.7 with 4x 9M+BOL is 11.7, FRS.1 with 4x9L is 10.3, this isn’t the “gotcha” you think it is. I really want more decompression, but gaijin’s track record is an increase of one step per major update/BR change so we have to work with what we have, even fighting 11.3 and 11.7 the FA.2 will only have an advantage at long range, if anything gets close it’s in serious trouble. Plus multipathing will still be a thing. Oh what BR are the F-14s btw? Cause they get Fox-3s


there is a variant that can its just not in game

well if you say like so

i think fa2 should goto 11.7,the reasons are as follows
As we can see that the changes between it and gr3 is the same like the changes between ice and f4f,the f4f is 10.7,the ice is 12.7,Their difference is 2.0 When it conform to get 9li, You think the change is reasonable。so the same way,the gr3 is 9.7,so the fa2 should be 11.7, Only in this way can it be reasonable and fair.Otherwise, please send ice to 13.0.

By the way, aim120 and aim54 have no essential advantage at a distance, but when the distance gets closer, fa2 will become a lamb for slaughter.

Even if he doesn’t give FA2. aim120, he should go to 11.0, not 12.0.

So as u said not in the game those irrelavant

You are making a joke of yourself here and annoying smin wont do anything

yeah i know, some people believe the one in game can i was just explaining why people think that and the evidence they are using. it is a AV-8B but an experiment US variant.

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If we don’t make a discussion here, he will never care about the problem.

Did you just call the FA.2 an AV-8B?

Take it as you want. Fact still stands with those fox3 missles it aint moving anywhere

that 16 it from helicopter

br decompression update when

Hi, yes it’s currently in progress


Are we going to see more countries get updated crews this update?

no, why? in the photo the one on the left is AV-8B and the right is sea harrier.

Mark IV with a Mark III engine.

Hull is reinforced, so it should be objectively the strongest in the game.

Ok I thought you were replying to something else

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Believe it or not, When the next br change come,fa2 will still go to 12.0 even 11.7 for its extremely bad performance no matter the top br go to 13.3 or remain 13.0

oh another dev update. wonder if itll be soemthing interesting for once