Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

As I said. RAF Hawk would be better than the AJS37s. But Finland’s would probably be akin to the Alpha jet

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Holy… I hope they really aren’t like this on live.

The fact that I got 5 teamkills out of 12 launches is just not… right, xD

Specially when it’s not like the teammates were even close to the enemies, or between the enemies and me, no: the teammates were as far as off-screen for me. The missile just took whole full 90º turns to go after them instead of the enemy planes, even with a direct active lock on them.

It also loves chaff.

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Tbf, gaijin has basically doomed any unique or any vehicle from filling the missing sections of swedens air tree by making norway and Denmark premium. Not to mention after the viggen and draken nerf i expext them to drop in br and leave amd even bigger gap. Especially the draken that thing is a starfighter but without the engine or speed lmao

We can hope. I can see it being more like 3 months. Though I’ve yet to get a TK

Don’t forget that Finland, the nation with a sub tree, is also relegated to being premium.

Draken BR drop might be good though, kinda over BRed with no CMs

Heres the real finnish air tree


Plus the J35XS.

Yeah no sorry but if you’d played the XS on the server youd see how bad it is. Though youve probably never played them so no real way to compare. Hell they cant even cobra lol

Taken from reddit a while back

I can see that.

The XS is far from bad.

For now, we’ll need to see the new FM

it cant even properly do Kort Parad / Cobra anymore

Like ive said sweden air is the most useless air nation with no variety. Its basically cbt until the gripen. A handfull are decent but not worth the grind when you can just get the italian or british gripen.

Mega sad

Its on the dev server, its pretty atrocious if you havent seen it.

the plane that invented the maneauver cant do it. wtf is this.


I havent seen it yet I dont think anyones covered it ill have to look again though


What makes it worse is that they used the Cobra practically as well not just a fancy show manuver