Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It pulls about half what it used to and loses more speed on turns. Without a better engine it essentially dies after 1 turn


I recommend flying it though cause if you think it should fight F5’s thats a bit wack. If the engine was more like a starfighter then i could accept the BnZ style but it cant do that.

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wich is also kinda ironic cause according to pilots the Draken could accelerate untill it ran out of fuel. it dosnt have a set max speed.


I honestly dont even believe the new FM is entirely accurate to begin with but it could be cope

nah i agree. it turns to slowly. it rolls to sluggishly. and it cant even do the maneauver its famous for inventing. gaijin added it. let people have its fun with it, then nerfed the shit out of it.


And I feel even worse for the poor Viggen

Viggen hasnt been a meta aircraft since introduction. We got shafted with the Ja37D while everyone else got a f16 equivalent. Then we finally get the gripen and gaijin tries to shaft us again like the Ja37A. I remember they were like yeah no countermeasures at 11.0 will be so fun for that. Honestly the air tree the opposite of the ground tree which sucks as an air main. Doesnt matter though, ill be busy spading the rest of japan air while things get changed or fixed.


I understand why the Gripen keeps getting nerfed but when its equivalents get added I hope it gets rebuffed tbh , and MAYBE we can get close to the unlocked G 120 degree instant AOA

I think that’s by design. They have no IFF or anything so have to be careful when firing them in a location with friendlies.

Oh god… I cant wait to get t’ked by the F4S players who got to top tier in a week :)

Its not even that lol, they wouldnt even make them equivalents and even finally we got the C and it has useless atgm and yet the british gripen can have made up AGM 65G on it?

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Thats exactly why I really want the Finnish F/A-18C MLU (II I think?)

Yes and yet that will be here in what a year or two after everyone else gets the early f18? The MLU has a ton ofnstuff thats kept it in service this long

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And I doubt itd happen but with the Belgian AM we could get the Danish AM

Premium so no

It irks me that 2 nations are Premium only tbh

They need to change that for air cause they need them to help fill in the massive gaps in air

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Especially because that limits severely what can be added from Norway and Denmark because idk about yall but I dont want a premium F-16 or think itll happen for a while if ever (I HOPE.)

@Smin1080p are there any plans for nations other than the US to receive custom cockpit HMD HUDs? Or at least make the ones currently used by everyone but the US less invasive

Or even just finished cockpit HUDs.

Tornado’s are unfinished and SHars are still placeholders