Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Having a comically large amount of chaff would be fun.

I think the 37D will get the British Phantom 9L treatment

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Any amount of flares + Chaff count would be an insanely huge buff for the Tonkas. the fact that most aircraft get their full CM count, despite the fact that for most aircraft, they’d never be able to run that many flares (like I think the IRL CM count for the SHar was 20 flares and 40 chaff, though could be wrong) but its totally and completely unfair for the Tornado to even get slightly too many flares and so is limited to flare only count and not a compromised total CM count (like 112)

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Id like to have decent cas first. Besides i personally dont care for the viggen. Only good one imo is the C. Ive never cared for their poor performance personally id take my f4j but naybe its cause i prefer the phantom FM over the vehicle that gets a yellow wing and loses all control.

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Sweden does have that with the Gripens. As for before that, there aren’t any options.

I was really jealous of the viggens when they were first added because they had PD with IFF meanwhile FGR2 didnt have IFF on the PD. But these days. they do look a little… underwhelming

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Depending on what Finland equipped them with, maybe Hawk, but I think they had an earlier variant so wont be all the bells and whistles of the RAF ones

Having AIM-9Ls at 11.3 is great, however at this point it’s really just a worse Mirage F1C.

I doubt the Hawk would be any better than the AJS37.

RAF one, probably would be better. Finland, I dont think so. Would be more akin to Alpha jet I think. Should still be fun though

Eh actually the BEA hawk could do CAS, sure its slower but its loadout is much better then the AJ37

Underwhelming is a statement lmao

Would it be better than the AJS37s, though?

BAE Hawk 200


Hm, 3 3km missiles at 10.7 so usenit at 11.0 with 1 tank at that br or the vehicle with Aim 9L internal guns and agm 65D…hmmmmm yeah ill take the hawk pls

Uh, question…

Is it normal that AIM-120s are particularly… teammate-hungry?

Like as far as fully changing course and do a 90º just to go after a teammate that is 7km away from the enemy you are locked in.

So far, I have had 5 accidental teamkills on the dev server… which is more teamkills that I have had on the live server in 2023 and 2024 so far combined lol

Britain will probably be the only nation to get it

Finland doesn’t use the Hawk 200.

I’ve been TKed by R-77s twice. I think when they are in the active phase htey’ll basically go for anything close

As I said. RAF Hawk would be better than the AJS37s. But Finland’s would probably be akin to the Alpha jet

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