Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Of course there’s also Incomparable… who was more than comparable a couple years after she was designed. And Indefatigable who turned out to be very defatigable. And the carrier Glorious who was sunk by… a pair of battlecruisers.

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Isn’t this Gripen E/F? Based on “design goals” and date, It’s safe to assume so. Then again at that point it’s irrelevant which variant it is as per @DevilO6

Gripen C

Also all the nations that used Mavericks on there Gripen Cs as well


Then what of the wobbling and thrust vectoring issues with MICA EM, any chances we will see reworks happening with that?

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Reports on FOX-3 missiles are naturally under investigation.


It just says “AGM-65 Maverick”. C’mon, you can do better than that.

you asked for a source, got one from Smin and then proceded to ignore it

then you got another source and you’re ignoring that one too

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In what way did I ignore it?

My question was “what variant of the Maverick”, only Smin answered that and Devil added that it doesn’t actually matter since the aircraft will see them all the same.

And how in the world was this message a ping?

Continue to live in your bubble

Smin, I am wondering, so far we only heard that the devs consider newer AGM-65, would it be possible to know to which version of the AGM-65 the devs tend currently?

License version which undergo very similar set if upgrades

Living in my own bubble when I acknowledged his point in my answer to Smin?

I suggest reading what’s actually written next time instead of making up your own conclusions (pretty sure that’s what living in your own bubble actually is).

When we have news to report or something to show, we will.


was a try worth :D

Rather have them buff the AAM4 to more “realistic” levels and then leave the quantity at 4 since it’s a more IRL loadout to go 4x AAM4 and 4x AAM3 instead of add random AIM120


Then may i ask why Swedish JAS39C doesnt get access to AGM65-D/G models?

Since its compatible with all of them it should have access to those ordinance, otherwise it will be inferior to other Gripen C models.

Doesn’t sweden operate only Rb75 and Rb75T?

Well SAAF didnt operate AGM-65G and Aim-9M but here we are.


They do not have them irl, only A/B variants