Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Yeah, no logical reason behind them not. By that same extension. Aircraft like the Jaguar should really be getting at least 500lb bombs stock

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All of them seem to drop both. regardless so I think its busted

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I mean strike aircraft should be doing their job from the get go. It’s why the Tornado sucked for the first month or so after Apex Predators. It got no bombs and so you had to run around with barely usable guns and 2 9Ls… post 9L nerf.

Nice one.

Equally we shouldn’t be expecting people to do those stock grinds. They suck, aren’t fun, and aren’t beneficial. They put people off when they’ve done the grind, and just shouldn’t be a thing.

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They are a money making scheme by Gaijin. Only reason for them. They cause more problems than they solve (like making Starsteaks ultra visible because without the 76mm tracers you’d never see them without TVD which is a rank 4 mod and IRL you dont need ot be able to see them at all as its automated)

but they wont ever get removed.

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Where is Germany’s new top tier AMRAAM carrier?

From what has been described on TTS, PGZ09 now has functioning AHEAD rounds model rhinemetal PMD062.

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If that’s the case, I can’t imagine them being left off the PUMA for much longer.

Do you really think you’re going to get Polish vehicles.

I say leave most Polish & Warsaw pact things for a new nation.


Does the F-15J Kai in game refer to the F-15J MSIP or the MTDP?

I’m too lazy to check, but it received a Helmet Mounted Sight on the Dev, which if I’m not mistaken the MSIP wasn’t supposed to have, while the MTDP does.

Some kind of ballast weight on the Pr.11451 ?



I dont understand why you keep bringing this up, I already told you its in situations where carousel doesnt work but rammer does, meaning only carousel has to be operated manually.
And for in game logic next round in ammo rack is desired one for all vehicles.

Its a hydrofoil, probably needs a ballast to not topple over.


We got Queen Mary… :(

Yep felt the same way on Queen Mary…


I wish Gaijin would just get over their absolute terror of adding multiple battleships per patch and multiple tree ships per nation per patch (outside of adding a new tree). You can’t attract people to the mode by adding… * checks notes * nothing interesting and expecting people to play.
That and actually do something about the poor state of the battles themselves, that would certainly help.

Actually that’s like… really hard to do, how about doing the absolute bare minimum to pretend we care and then complain that people aren’t playing the mode? That sounds a lot easier.


sound man strikes again. a ton of ground vehicles have new sounds when shooting in third person etc


also new explosion effects from he and new missile sounds. dont know if yall gone over this already i just skipped to the top lol.

To add on to this; each of the naval nations right now could get two additions per patch for decades before running out, not even including submarines, carriers, or auxiliaries.


Maybe it 's not coming as a player vehicle, the new modern Air mode targets that are now visible in the CDK have a " us_ " or a " ussr_ " sorting tag:

So if GL IRIS-T and GL AIM-120 are also this kind of non-player asset, maybe they use the same sorting tag system. Giving the appearance of a " USA tree IRIS-T SL ", when it might actually be a " USA -themed map-side IRIS-T SL ".