Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Missiles too

Btw the J11A is unfinished, the radar is wrong (still has the N001) and prolly needs other stuff done to it.

  1. Missing MAWS
  2. Wrong radar
  3. Possibly wrong RWR
  4. Possibly missing some CAS loadout

Its dev server. A LOT of things are missing stuff. Sea harrier FA2 doesnt even have the right engine (even though its literally the same as the Gr7)

It has the right engine it just has the wrong name

If the F-4F ICE isn’t changed for the significant better, the update will be ruined for me.

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It has a lot less thrust than the Gr7

Yeah bit silly it has no 9L(i)s or even 9Ms

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I promise you it performs better then the FRS1 flight performance wise

Yeah, hope that they update it before the end of the dev server to try it a bit

I don’t have a problem with that; I have a problem with it being 12.7. 12.0 with AIM-9Ls would be fine, or 12.3 with Li’s, but not 12.7.


Id not say no to the FA2 being 11.7. but at least they are trying to maintain a degree of decompression

Probably have to wait till Monday for the next update don’t we? I forget when the first batch of updates starts dripping in to the dev server after feedback.

Ah so 12.3 with 4 AMRAAMS and 4 9L(i)s

Yeah that aint happening

Also is there a way to check stuff in game such as Weight of the plane and stuff like that?

If the FA2 stays as it is performance wise it will be fine at 12.3

Yeah, but I think the FM is broken. Unless the Sea Harrier is getting a major FM buffed

The FA.2 I reckon is fine, though it can go down to 12.0. 11.7 is too low, however. 10.7s shouldn’t be facing Fox-3s.

No reason for it to be broken

The only difference it should have is engine power

The only way the ICE hits 12.3 is if they give it Ls and that’s it. But again, then you have the J8F at the same BR with half the fox 3s so it’s questionable