Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

smaller the player count, the smaller the moth balls in the middle will be and the longer the matches will go on if people are more spread out.

I doubt it to happen as by itself there were a lot of options of adding some, but Russia has always been a unique aproach in sense “if we can choose to give or not thermals for aircraft, we wont”.

Well, maybe 16v16 will be more interesting tactically, but I think we need to expand the size of the map in the battle of more people, instead of being able to launch all the fox3 to the opponent as soon as we take off.

just sounds bad for grinding, sounds better for fun. but even then if you bomb bases or ground pound its perfect for grinding. smaller games doesn’t necessarily mean longer games either as at these brs the radars can see the enemies taking off the runway… so i doubt anyone could hide forever, only when your team is distracting them.

SAM you mean like patriot and s-300?

i just realized they removed the skyflash on the gripen

Yeah, Centauro || would be nice, ajd for this update they could have done 2A7HU and that one Ariete with Centauro || turret.

I imagine it might end up being rolled out a bit slower than thought, due to some aircraft having more unique displays and whatnot.

Well, a good side news is that arietes do have a spall liner. Armor is yet to be fixed, but spall liners are a good start. Not calling names but honestly its time for VT4 and merkava mk4s to take the spot of worst top tier MBTs.
I am rather confident that the B2 will eventually come, mostly because its one of the two rank 7 lights with a BR of 11.3 while the CV90120 is at rank 8, which means something might be below it.

No it really isnt

Thats what the stream and the blogs are for.

The dev server is open so they can have a test run and receive bug reports before going live. That is the main reason for having a dev server. They also get to hype up the vehicles and all that, but the main purpose is ironing out bugs. And when you gate content behind a grindwall for no reason its irratating.

They could make the RP modifier x100 instead of x5 and solve the problem.

Yall don’t talk about the F-15C missing its BOL pods, 4 amraams and having the same radar that is on the A variant but with TWS?


This is an MANPAD on a ship. Different thing from the S-300 and MIM-Hawk that were made visible in the CDK today.

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i think your forgetting about my challengers?

So is Sweden really only getting 2 vehicles next update, one of which is (another) 10.0 premium light tank?

OK, then give a better option to the problem that is called ARB, because 16 v 16 doesn’t cut it.

its not worth the grind honestly, nothing new and useful, the F16C gets 6 amraams at 12.7 so why the F15C idk.

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Centauro 2 won’t be much different compared to Centauro I 120 gameplay wise. It’s still a lightly armored wheeled vehicle within the meta of heavily armored MBTs.
Though I agree, Centauro 2 should’ve come in the previous update with the addition of the premium one ;)


oh sorry i think youve gotten my take a bit confused, i want smaller games. i will be switching to the 12 vs 12 format asap.

But for me, I want gajin change new targeting pod with 3rd gen thermal on pod & sight instead AN/AAQ-28 (V) Litening II for F-16C Block 50 in current dev server or next dev server

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