Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Would prefer a Chilean sub tree, if possible, tbh

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its the number thats the problem buddy, harder to dodge ir missiles are still harder to dodge ir missiles no matter how “easy” they are to dodge. we dont need 16 vs 16 players at top tier at all. even 12 vs 12 is still a bit much. 10 vs 10 or 8 vs 8 would be perfect. would shorten matchs but they wouldn’t be the cluster fucks they are now.

plus it would help bombers greatly as you could feasibly sneak around in these matchs without coming accross a side climbing player 50km away from the ao.

Politics and ongoing conflict aside, Chile is a decent option, it would have some potential in LATAM as well, since its L2A4s are effectively the best MBT in South America.

that’s just your subjective opinion. It’s much more fun to deal with enemies tactically instead of just mindlessly zerging into a furball

The dev server is not about testing, it’s about showing new stuff.

Now that Benelux has been added to France, the door opens for a nation to have multiple vehicles from other nations, Israel could get things from Chile and other countries.

yippe, pod for 27sm


Nope, while I would love to see Centauro 2, Hungarian 2A7 is much more necessary addition to the TT at its current state. Finally Italy received an adequate top tier MBT.
Hopefully it will also bring more people to the TT, so we’ll get more attention from Gaijin, as well as additions and fixes.


? i mean the 10 vs 10 games would suit that gameplay so i dont know what your getting at. i actively avoid fur balls as my jets (apart from the gripen) are all sub par so i require situational awareness at all times. however that is literaly impossible with 16 players on the enemy team. no matter what 16 vs 16 is insane. i dont mind it being a choice like how gaijins doing it so you do you but the 16 vs 16 to me is just not a good idea and ill never deactivate that option when its introduced.

It seems that most of people tend to use fox3 in close-range dogfight in last testserver

The Fact that you think that is normal, is the main problem in ARB.

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genuinely, i am simply curious, how do you think the smaller games would effect the game in a bad way? i cant really see how it would make it any worse.

Israel do have a handful of domestic options - not a lot, but enough to make it potent. As of right now what is needed is to bring a light tank branch(mainly IFVs that are anything but light) onto the table, to utilize a very potent CAS potentials which is rather hard to access due to merkavas being very meh. In this case:
The already existent AMX-13 and AML,
M113 HVMS,
RAM Mk.III with M40,
Aczharit with XC-30
Current namer with XC-30, and namer with a manned turret+spike+trophy(foldered)
Eitan with 30mm+spike+trophy, eitan with 40mm CTAS(foldered).

I am hesitant to say about other countries being subtrees of Israel. Despite being not horrible, the merkavas are definitely less than desirable in the current meta, from 9.3 to 11.7. A potential subtree such as Chile may bring in mainstream western MBTs and result in the lack of willingness to grind the merkava branch, pactically the point of Israel.

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Probably will never happen

he sent sources he has hidden, id expect theyll add it

if not, its because of balance

The Centauro II 120 would’ve brought players to Italian TT as well and it would’ve been more “fun” & unique.
The Hungarian 2A7 would’ve gotten added to Italy anyway (it was inevitable) … but by adding the Centauro II before the 2A7 by atleast 1 update, would’ve given the Cent 120 a bit more recognition. That’s what I am saying.
Currently in real life, the Centauro II 120 is the most advanced ground vehicle in the Italian Army. So, shouldn’t the main tree have their advanced vehicle before the sub tree?


Nah, 8v8 is superior. All there is to it really. More fun imo

Nobody tested the F16C pod that they said they’re gonna give it Gen 2 again

smaller the player count, the smaller the moth balls in the middle will be and the longer the matches will go on if people are more spread out.