Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Its worth getting, once it isnt stock I will say its a lot more berable even good sometimes I say just go for it ignore all the bad and judge it for yourself

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can’t multipath something if the radar can’t find you (you’re part of the ground)

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How am i strawmaing

It would be a terrible addition and we will see tomorrow anyway

its a premium with R-73’s, people will buy it (even if it dosnt get R-77)

  1. Yes.
  2. Subjective.
  3. Irrelevant.

Has the snail announced the dev stream times for tomorrow?

that doesn’t make sense.

not yet, but check sometimes on their yt channel under the tab livestreams, easiest way to find out when it is after they’ve announce the time

Probably in about 12 hours give or take

I wonder if it’ll be english or russian stream first, since we had english first last time.

It does, actually.

Im not strawman

It would be a silly addition as it is a plane meant for Fox 3 why would it be limited to only fox 2

We will find out tomorrow when you are wrong

It was wrong

what kind of radar does it get? if its just some basic one that doesnt even have tws it wouldnt matter too much because getting a solid “21” on your rwr at that br should probably already tell you that its time to get out of there. that is assuming they wont put it too low i br whihc, yeah you never know with gaijin

It should say M29 as thats what the kopyo pod currently does.

oh right it gets that radar. yeah nvm forget what i said lmao

Thats the Mig-21-93 or whatever the soviet one is called. Doesn’t the Mig-21 BISON use an Indian build radar. or is it just a photocopy of the Kppyo pod?

(but if it does ping M29 then thats another reason to hate it for SIM. M29 always means a hostile in that direction)

What do you think about fox 3s?

  • My beloved
  • I hate them (I’m not interesting)
0 voters

You are now arguing against something that I never said.

I did not, I repeat, DID NOT, say that it should be added without them.

It doesn’t as this stuff should be taken into DM.
Not who can shout at each other the loudest thread