Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


Depends if they get the 4 Aim120 load out. Harrier even with fox 3 missiles is still a Harrier

It would be hard to balance, but would be a wierd niche aircraft. Maybe an event?

Top quality cement at that!


Simply VTOL in the middle of the battlefield, now you cannot be shot by ARH/SARH missiles!

(I cannot foresee any possible downsides with this strategy)

@Morvran Would Harrier FA2 have MAWS?

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Dont think so. But quite a decent RWR

(MAWS on the Gr7 is more intended as a defence against MANPADs than AAMs)


I mean depends. If they gave it no SARHs (like irl pre 1988) then that really would be a nightmare to balance. Literally may as well be a GR.1, less one gun and no bombs, which would be hideous, and probably 10.7 material at best.

Of course, with SARHs, yeah probably a higher BR. Trouble would be the radar would be nowhere as good as it is now, so er, yeah there’s that.

“Blue Circle” title would be funny though

or better still, VTOL land somewhere and take off when you want to ambush someone haha

And you know this how then

Im not there is no reason to add a mig 21 at 11.7 as a premium when it can get R77 and still not be the top BR

Haha, ultimate multipathing

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And they aren’t usually shown off in the trailers either.

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Thanks for that particular disclosure, the animosity towards the new subtree is astonishing.

Bringing subtrees to add variety in playstyles should be a thing to celebrate regardless of their context.

There is, as I have already explained multiple times now.

The fact that you can’t figure that one out on your own despite having it explained to you in very simple terms says a lot about you.

Yea adding a slow pathetic gladiator over a fun D.XXI is beyond me especially for a nation that built it and designed it in the first place.

But I still got hopes it will be added as not everything is shown in teasers or the first dev stream


You point makes no sense

Its got R73 on a mig21 so this must have value

No it would be pointless without the BVR

It be like if the A6 TRAM was added with no A2G and you would just go look it has 4 9Ls at 10.3

I suppose there is still hope but the newer leak lists aren’t even showing Queen Mary (as pointless as she would be right now).

Still there is hope until the dev stream.

Now you’re just using strawmen. You were saying that it would add nothing to the game. I was saying that it would, as it would be the only MiG-21 with R-73s.