Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Just R-Darter

Jesus. It could be quite funny to go to low earth orbit, dump half my Fox 3s at people, and turn cold, let then do their thing, recommit at low level.

We wanna talk about u guys getting 4, while germany gets 1 lol

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Other then adding a plane that was upgrade to make it use R77 and then not give it R77

And it coming in the same update as R77 also leans into it getting it

If they wanted a plane that was just R73 they could of added the Super Mirrage

The middle update of the year has had new top fighters in the past, like the F-16C/D and MiG-29SMT, so that’s on the table.

oh i get it, im a bit slow today

It is a bit of a shock

After last year. Britain and Sweden kinda deserves some TLC.

though kinda a shame Sweden is kinda getting nothing in the air department

Dang, brittain mains must be happy asf if this is going to be the reaility

Again, I’m not saying that it won’t, just that we currently have no confirmation that it will.

Well… Dont really care about the Mig-21. But Torando F3 AOP and SHar FA2 are gunne fun. I’ve got 4 aircraft in a near spaded state ready to dump into the FA2 and then i’ll grind F3 AOP when spading the FA2

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Yee, it looks very good if the air pans out as expected. Desert Warrior should be very nice too

Yeah… Could see it September. But Im more expecting F-18/Su-30 that update and then Typhoon in Decemeber. Like we had last year with F-16C/Mig-29SMT with Gripen in December

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We have no conformation that the FA2 will get AMRAAMS but im not doubting that

I’m just hoping that once the Typhoon comes, Gaijin will slow the fuck down with air for a year or so at least.

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I mean I’d like it if you could tell me otherwise, but as far as I can tell, the Germans have various F-4Fs, possibly a semi fictitious GDR MiG-29 with R-77, and that’s kinda it until we look at Typhoon?

No they won’t

It will be the F22 next

The difference is that the MiG-21 Bison would add something without R-77s, however the SHarrier FA.2 wouldn’t without AMRAAMs.

Hopefully this is what we’ll be seeing lol

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Yeah. A lot of polishing that can happen. For Britain that should really be stuff for the Tornados. Hopefully Torando Gr4 and its goodies.

Could fill a year of updates just adding missing features/loadouts for the Tornados.

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