Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

oh yeah no I know but I just meant the boxer hull is pretty big lol

Is there any possibility JDAM return this year ?

AGM-65K Maverick in cdk dev server for A-10C only ?

F-16 Block 50 carry AGM-65K like A-10C ?

AGM-65D & AGM-65G placeholder like AV-8B Plus from italy tech tree. in fact armed AGM-65E & AGM-65F Maverick but italian navy never used AGM-65E because maybe exclusive for USA aircraft only (USAF, USN & USMC)

But I believe that in the future AV-8B Plus from 2 countries (USMC & Marina Militare) receive JDAM (GBU-32(V)2/B & GBU-38(V)2/B) and Laser JDAM (GBU-54/B)

you say neither is need, germany literally doesnt have a better aircraft, same with italy and britain, I would rather those 3 and france be top dog for an update or 2 so at the very least the US and Russian mains can see what it is like not being the top dogs for once

you also act like gaijin would even make it accurate and the plane wouldn’t come riddled with bugs


I mean JDAMs are cool and all but wouldnt be great in wt, even then the british harriers would still be the better CAS platform (Gr9A with 2 ASRAAMs 18 Brimstones and a Sniper pod)

F-16, 12.0 minimum. It should not fight 10.7 planes at all.

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god no, we do not need an F16 below 12.0, never mind the same br as a god damn tornado F3 and Phantoms, hell that would be lower then the EJ KAI, that is a horrible idea

Sadly gaijin would rather not introduce it or theyd make it a premium. Both are sad outcomes same with Denmark

Take the F-16A with 6x AIM-9L. It is 12.0
Now give it a worse engine, worse nose authority and 4x rear aspect missiles instead of 6x all aspect.

What Br is it now?

well simple move the F16A to 12.3 and place it at 12.0, I dont care if it has worse engines it would still be fighting phantoms and tornados every single game and would win every single dog fight it ever got into

Meanwhile I’m complaining for it to get more (correct) weapons

Alright, to each their own opinion.
Not that what I say affects Gaijin anyways. 🤷‍♂️

Im fine with that. But its the wanting the AV-8B NA immediately as well I find kinda funny

It’ll probably be another premium

What’s this ‘auctioneer’ profile picture? New event?


Are brimstones laser guided or do they have a similar guidance as the 114L hellfire?

If it is the latter I don’t think we will ever see them lol.

Early ones are radar (mmW) only, then some were fitted with dual mode SAL/mmW seekers which I think is the norm now

NF-5A event?
Any mental hoops someone can jump through for me to link that?
Dutch old skool tulip auction? 😂

Free French flag behind pawyall, only one boat for now, and we have to pay 2 CBT access for our full navy when every other countries needed one.

Gaijin going ultra greed toward us as usual.


Yeah, but maybe you’ll be able to get the ‘stars’ unlocked for 12 days to play CBT ‘for free’…