Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

italy, BeNeLux and Germany could have it afaik

dont both get BOL?

im looking forward to the UK getting this

Not the Italian AV-8B+. It has a larger internal CM count though at 160 off the top of my head

oh fair enough

Yeah, I thought the same at first. Until someone point that out

Germany it’s already starting to produce them is not that hard to make so expect them relatively sooon

the UK already purchased some so the UK would also get them :3

What ammo is the UK planning on using?

I really want to say but I most likely get a ban lol

Just Say it in DM’s lmao

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Does Italy use the apkws? Aware US and Italy share missing amraams issue

I have no idea

Is there an actual reason for it? Or is it just missing BOL or some of its CMs.

Zenturion_7 said 180 CM in his quick vid about the av8b+

I just don’t think AV-8B used BOL. No idea why though

I think they either don’t add it or it goes to Germany. But I do think we are still quite a while away from that.

I also think Germany needs it to compete with the other big cannon tanks that Gaijin could add (I don’t think a plain 2A4 with a 140mm will do well against the likes of the CATTB with a 140mm.

With the USA getting the AV-8B plus, maybe we get more Dutch vehicles as well.
Sure hope so atleast.

true until german mains come back and try to claim the challenger 130 again lol

I doubt it the AV-8B+ is just a copy of the italian one with a USMC skin on it

Italy doesn’t use apkws, only in-game countries that use it are US and UK