Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Could be that yeah.

Yeah, I doubt… it will sell for more than 10 GJC lmao

What really happened:

Devs: "the Dev Server update is ready, with many additions, changes and fixes. Boris, release the update!

Boris: presses the wrong button and reverts the Dev Server to the live build



ivan clicked the wrong button

Eh, the ratel 20 doesn’t have the elevation nor turret rotation to really be decent at AA duties

dev is bakc

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  • Compared to the regular ATGM preset, has less shrapnel from residual penetration, larger shrapnel angles, larger shrapnel count, lower shrapnel penetration, larger shrapnel damage
  • Used by AGM-65A, AGM-65B, AGM-65D, AGM-65H, Flz.Lwf. LB 82, RB 75

Buff to the AGM-65?


Thats why i called it a cheap knockoff.
Turretrotation and elevation might be not AA fast but still decent when you know where you need to look but they are not good for the situations where you need to aim fast.
Also Rattel rounds go around 200m/s faster then skink so a tad easier to aim and more RPM.
I got them bouth in my lineup so i can decide anyway what to use more comfortable in the situation.

P.S.: G6 also exists at 6.7 for the more skilled ones :)

I disagree if the Skink needs to go down the ZA truck as well. As it has more negatives than the Skink.

  • RWR: L-006 SPO-15 Beryoza → 1RL26 SPO-10 Ogonyok
    Nerf for the rwr on the su-22m3’s
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HEAT mavs are better now. Bigger shrapnel angle and MUCH more fragments. Much better in sideshots. A little better in roof shots but not much. Gun usually eat all.


Why is it 12gb for me?

dont you dare lure me into your tricks, creature of evil, that’s impossible

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Iirc they reverted the dev server by accident. So I think you are downloading the .16 update again.

Can confirm, I haven’t used the dev server since Friday and opening it today, I didn’t get any update.

Fair enough, that makes sense

Were they any new vehicles been added or was it too quick to be able to datemine.

hopefully otherwise a pretty small update


Disappointing to see that none of the clearest errors regarding modern MBT modelling was addressed…

-Abrams still has a fake 50mm thick turret ring instead of a proper volumetric 220-280mm thick one.
-Abrams front fuel tank bulkheads still have wrong thickness and geometry.
-Challenger 3 (TD) still has the pre-updated Challenger 2 copy-paste turret damage model despite the correct CR3(TD) model already existing (it was just mistakenly replaced months ago).
-Leclerc still has no spall liners or floor fuel tank bulkhead.
-Leclerc’s UFP is still less effective than T-64A’s armor.
-Chinese MBTs still have no spall liners.
-ZTZ99’s LFP still too large.
-Chinese MBTs still have hollow mantlets without trunnion
-Arietes still have no spall liners.
-Type 10 still has enormous holes in the turret cheeks.
-No CVT simulation for Type 10 (just increase the HP to 1,333 and call it a day for now, if modelling it properly is so hard).
-Type 10’s turning ability still bugged.
-No Hyperbar engine simulation for Leclerc (just change the engine RPM ratio per gear as specified and detailed on its bug report).
-Leopard 2A7V still has worse armor than Strv 122, or than the early 1990s Leopard 2A5 prototype, at that.
-All Challenger 2s/3 are still missing the Lower Front Plate spall liner.
-Merkava Mk.4’s turret can still be penned by 3BM42 despite its comical LOS thickness because the composite has a lower multiplier than the first iteration of Chobham from the 70s.

In fact, I just made a thread about two of these issues. Support it to bring attention to the devs, please! Let’s see if we manage to get this right with this major update:


Maybe the devs got too many bug reports and they couldn’t handle it anymore…
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