Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

2.35, same as normal not dev game


after i restart 3 times the launcher it change to in “dev” lamo


This! The Italian ADF at least deserves the AIM-120A (move it up to 12.7-13.0), and the tree would still have a 12.0 jet in the way of the Hungarian MiG-29A. I don’t think it’s fair that we have to grind the subtree to get a foreign Gripen as our only source of a dedicated fighter with the AIM-120, when we have a perfectly capable F-16 ADF in the tree already. I’m in favor of just erasing the AIM-120 from the AV-8B+ loadout and giving it to the F-16.


Should these vehicles still be classified M3 then?

Is the JH-7A going to receive its PL-12’s? I feel like that should be mentioned considering it can carry them and has the RADAR for it.

Also, a status update on the possibility of the ROCAF F-16 MLU receiving AIM-9M’s and AIM-120A’s would be preferred. Granted the plane also uses AIM-9P-4’s and Aim-120C’s (instead of the “A” variant) but still.


Please revert the Tunisian map back to it original version


Question: Does only the Mi-28N get the new cockpit, or the other variants too (Swedish Mi-28A, Mi-28NM)?

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Man the hill and labyrinth was the coolest part of the map plus it was something that was different from all the other flat or urban maps we had. Real shame to see it become just like every other one.


And worse in every way. Now lacks a decent long range section, mid range section, and the remnants are just point blank brawls.


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the stupidization of maps is getting worse and worse with every update … why even bother adding new maps when everything sooner or later ends up as single lane corridor with no option for flanking or any tactic other than the dumbest possible head-on slugfest?


Not sure, but France got the new Belgian Air Force tech tree in France. I am seeing the Netherlands flag waving too in the teaser. Where is the Royal Dutch Airforce?

And with what arguments one can add a Belgium tech tree (minor nation) to France and still refusing a Swiss Air Force Tech tree under France or Germany???

please revert all of the map changes, especially to big sinia. they have shown they simply cannot be trusted with map design as all of them are worse. far far far far worse… im fed up having to play these awful maps, who comes up with this. i swear to god if they even try and touch red desert im gonna flip.

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Germany would make more sense than France, I find.

Maybe the countries could develop something like this, based on countries grouped mostly because of geography, but also linked defense industries where applicable:

Germany could go with Switzerland and Austria (maybe even - in pale blue - Poland, Czechia and Slovakia), Denmark for the Nordic countries, Italy maybe could get Greek vehicles and officially include a Turkish tree, maybe even extend to include (in pale purple) the countries between Italy, Hungary and Greece, while the France-BeNeLux group may get Spain and Portugal (pale red) added.

And for UK, mainly their overseas extension South Africa, but also Australia, India (although here I’d rather see a separate tree)…


I am fine with you - lets add the Swiss aviation tree to Germany - Tell GJ to go ahead, we have a GO

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I am slightly worried about the changes made to the following maps.

In Carapathians now seems to be basically a wall of rocks blocking the North side of the hill capture point, this makes flanking said objective a lot more difficult.

And regarding Tunisia I do agree that the mountain with a bridge was problematic. But I did not like the fact that the mission size was reduced, that the village on the far West side was moved a bit to the East, and that in the place where the mountain was now could become an almost empty region.

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Good question, NMs cockpit should be similar enough to the Ns that they could just copy and paste it and it would be fine for the time being.

The As cockpit is alot different though due to it being a much older aircraft.

Picture is crusty i know but this is the only good one out there for the A.


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Italy gets Hungary and also Romania so far.

Some things from the latest build (19)

• Vextra 105 got a tonne of fixes → BR 9.7
• CV9035DK got APDS-FS and probably some other fixes.
• XM800T got a stabilizer.