Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

I don’t think the Lima model of hellfires would be a healthy addition to the game.

Why the F-16C blk50 missing the new radar feature? Intended? Bug? Oversight?

This one:

Edit1:Its fixed, thanks.

Edit2: No, its a bug with the TGP. When equipped, its not showing missile location.

Removal of spawn sniping on maps; Is good.

Making maps smaller and more CoD-like in gameplay; Is Not Good.


Alright this might be a longshot to ask here but I don’t think making a thread here will be any help so I’d rather post a small comment here but.

What are the chances of the devs fixing the previous bluewater warship of the coastal tech tree USN Destroyer Escort USS Dealey DE-1006 GFCS in this update?

My post mentioning issues including the GFCS,

Longvow bug report on the matter of the GFCS being missing,

On a sidenote,

I’m surprised that for the dutch being given to the french tree an all the current foreign copies added yet only a single dutch design yet no addition of a K class sloop, Which although is a copy is also a dutch design which currently sits in game as the K-2 in the German tree.

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will the new AI ground targets be on all maps on release or just golan heights?

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Ar 234 (all variants) — drag parachute has been added. OMG

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Q-5L — we’ve removed the increase to 10.7 and instead the Battle Rating will be increased to 10.3 in Ground Battles. Please note that we initially decided to lower the Battle Rating in Air Battles to 9.3 (like the Q-5A), and not to 9.0 (like the Q-5A early), since in the next major update this aircraft will receive countermeasures, making it similar to the Q-5A in Air Battles. Countermeasures should also make it easier to counter various threats in Ground Battles.

@Stona_WT Will Q-5L receive the flare promised by gaijin in the BR change in this update? So far, it has not obtained any flare in the development server.


agreed on all, especially the jets portion.


YaK-141 should also be one of the jets to Receive R-77s (R-73s as well).


Only 4 AAM-4s can be carried. They cannot be loaded on the wing stations.

I dont think it should, purely because that is the entire point of the Gripen C. I know its extra grinding that other nations dont need to do. But in the future, the 12.7 gripen could stand out and be good not having to fight whatever is going to be at 14.0

Gotcha, thought they could. Either way for the other ones.

I really wish that one day the F-4 Phantom receives the external fuel tanks that were mounted on the wing pylons, since the variants that lack the internal gun and carry only a single central gunpod are unable to carry their gunpod with the central external fuel tank.


Thanks as always for highlighting the additions!

The ability to view ships’ crew placement is an amazing addition! It would be nice to have a more “fixed” version (like x-ray) in the future as well, in addition to this “directional” version (like penetration testing), to really properly see exactly where they are.

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For JAS39 Gripen A, I want Rb 99 (ARH) swap Rb 71 (SARH) but lose IR AAM Rb 74(M) and HMS mode


@Yontzee For my idea

  • F-16A Block 20 MLU - AIM-120B (placeholder) or AIM-120C-5, AIM-9P & AIM-9M swap AIM-9P & AIM-9L
    • x2 AIM-9P replace by AIM-9P-4
  • AIM-9L/i for F-4F KWS-LV (ICE), Tornado F3 late (RAF), Tornado ADV (ITA), F-104A ASA (ITA) and F-16A Block 15 ADF (ITA)
  • AIM-9M for 2 USA fighter aircraft (F-14B Tomcat & F-16A Block 15 ADF) with max BR to 12.3
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@Stona_WT Would Gaijin consider changing the stock loadouts of NATO 13.0 Jets?
AIM-9Ls at 13.0 is unacceptable. The suggested changes should be like this, no changes to the Modifications tree, so Gaijin can still keep players grinding out AIM-9Ls and AIM-9Ms, while keeping good gameplay balance.


r60ms at 12.0 arent either, yet they still kept them

mind you, r60ms should end at 11.0


Meanwhile some 12.0 NATO planes start off with 2x AIM-9J/Ps, not even All-Aspect.
R-60Ms and AIM-9Ls are comparable, since they are the first All-Aspect either bloc gets.

At 13.0, some planes gets 2x IRCCM missiles stock, while others dont. Which isnt fair.


I would like to add this thread I made about this, which had overwhelming support:

I would not be suprised if they were sent a bug report about some series of it using better RWRs and instead of implementing newer RWR they would nerf it to the older one.
They did that with Mi-24s already.

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Meanwhile Vikhrs ever since they were added:

Also Hellfire L would still be kinematically extremely underpowered just as the current Hellfires are. Meanwhile Spike ER can EASILY shoot down helicopters 8KM away that are CLIMBING since Spike ER motor is burning literally forever. Current Hellfires are not even able to get kills past 3Km on moving helis and Hellfire L would be exactly the same. And let’s not even mention the fact that all FnF ATGMs are extremely unreliable because after all the nerfs to them they always just target turret cheeks and other parts where they can’t do any real damage.