Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

Tbf, I would care more about the F-4 Wing tanks and finally Weapon skins, so that the Fuel tanks also get there correct skin…

Yeah, weapon skins would be good. and the wing tanks on the F4s are needed (especially those that use a centre line gunpod and so cant run both)

but as they are literally in game now, it should be simple matter to C&P the 495 gallon tanks over to all the Tornados.

Sea Harrier would also benefit from drop tanks


Well most mods are very unotcieable to the newbie eye ^^"

You certainly aren’t alone with this. It would give France more milage at Top Tier.

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the spike ER and the ZT-6 Mokopa fit the 170mm spec too

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Seriously, much needed. Everyone gets worried about the missiles being able to kill through smoke, but you still have several options to avoid them via terrain, buildings, etc.


I’ll die on a hill before I stop mentioning it lol.

Even if they limit them to still needing a visual lock before firing. They would be good. Vs other nations, the Apache is starting to feel rather handicapped


CCRP is broken or has been reworked in dev-server?

No base highlighted

It kinda works only when I set target manually

They should just add them without the ability to lock through smoke.

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still no maverick F for A-7E while the premium A-6 gets new toys.
truly amazing, thank you devs

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Still no ground radar for A-6E when we have another Russian premium toy with air/ground radar

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you mean ground radar for most attackers?

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No, what we need is a fix for its IOG!

Yeah… Though I dont think Gaijin believe that any western nation knows what IOG is. Kinda like the MANPADs. Its impossible for western nations to make something better than IGLA


@Stona_WT Will the SPIKE-ER and ZT-6 MOKOPA be changed also since they fit the criteria? Thanks!

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U forgot the Pars 3

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PARS 3 in-game is modeled to have caliber of 159mm.

My source is this document: Guided weaponry data (in-game values) Honorable mention for Jaek_ for making amazing videos on missile on YouTube If you want to reach enlightment, then you have to spade the Italian heli line, no talisman/ premium/ boosters - Google Spreadsheets

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so they intentionally buffed only Mavericks and other Big AGMs?

I do not have an aswer for that. Still, it is DEV server. Stuff might come different to live version…