Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Are the helis and targeting pods supposed to lose their target tracking?

Should add to that France bought Netherlands aircrafts before the WWII and used them in the war.
(Koolhoven FK.58)

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hehe… we can wish, they just keep gimp aircrafts like nothing without any reason… so giving BOL pod its a lot to ask from them , seems like it.

half baked Update…

On the other hand the military cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands in various areas is closer than anywhere else while F-16’s have nothing to do with France either.

To me the whole idea of adding a whole nation as a sub tree to a single country makes little sense.

Do not forget that beside the argument of captured aircraft Fokker used to be a German company.

Currently you have German 2A6 in Dutch configuration with German insignia crewed with Dutch soldiers serving in a German bataillon lead by a Dutch officer assigned to a Dutch brigade which in turn is itself assigned to a German division.

2 more Dutch Brigades are assigned to German divisions.

There also is cooperation regarding the navies, naval infantry, artillery and anti air for example.

Either way Gaijin did decide while already having added Taiwan to China.
Who faced whom in which war or who is using which equipment at what time clearly doesn’t matter in those considerations.

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The dutch navy is closer to the belgian navy.

But overall I disagree with the dutch having a “home tree” in general. Our vehicles should just be spread out over their trees of origin to reinforce them and outlr unique vehicles should be added to trees appropriate for the timeframe.

Just give us the canada treatment. As long as they give us our modern roundel to put on aircraft (which they still haven’t done btw).

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As I said that is the point I’m coming from as well.

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Honestly, Fox 3s and reduced multipathing COULD be great, HOWEVER, 16v16 makes it near unplayable due to the amount of missiles and angles being shot at you at all times.
Don´t get me started on the “option” to play smaller games, I´ve played quite few games over the last days and NOT ONE was under 16v16, 6v6 or 8v8 should be the DEFAULT and IF people want (and some do!) the the should be able to have the option to enable the possibility to get such lobbies instead of everyone being forced to play clusterfuck mode 95% of the time.

PLEASE change it!


So, the Draken has a slower turn rate than the Vigg, when the Draken was notoriously more maneuverable than the Vigg, not to mention the turn-rate values are total BS? Not to mention the fact that these have been changed, not from flight manuals, but someone’s own math, which is wrong, just completely wrong.

Literally all 3 of these aircraft have been Underperforming in their FM, and you’re going to make them worse? Lovely gaijin, just ruin top tier Sweden, hope you changed the BR’s to boot.


Also did I mention that currently stockgrinding at 12.0 and above is basically not doable? If it´s gonna be like this we need stock ARH AAMs and/or reduced mod cost, and of course A LOT more BRs, don’t tell me “X vehicle is balanced according to stats” or “It will increase matching time”, the compression is absolutely horrific and we have more players than EVER across all servers, 2-5 seconds longer queue times will not bother ANYONE if the game actually feels good to play!


They didn’t fix any spawn camping, I just rolled out of the spawn and shot a guy 2.5km away on sands of Sinai. He has a perfect viewpoint into the spawn lane lol. He was just shooting someone else, that’s why I killed him

Damn thing feels like a F-104 rn, its truly sad.


have you heard of battle trophies


The sounds of aircraft missiles are now chosen based on their maximum thrust and are divided into three types: small, medium and large. Previously, there was only one set of “start-flight” sounds for all types of missiles. Additionally, now the sound of a missile’s flight takes the thrust mode into account.
Missiles passing the player at supersonic speed now have a shockwave sound, similar to supersonic airplanes.

This was the best thing, together with explosion new sound, and they just removed it.

Fantastic :/


fym and

Did they change the BR?


Still 10.7 for some reason, and it faces pheonix’s. I could easily see it at that BR if it was accurate… but no way in hell like this.

Damn, better get to making a Report then!

You don’t even know what you’re arguing about, we’ll agree to disagree, you’re right, you’re wrong, I don’t care, you don’t care, enjoy your weekend.

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