Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

They whaaaat?

But why

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When we get it changed to be proper, we can hit the people who messed it up with the:


Yes. They were removed with the last update. They were so awesome; it was the best part of the last update. It was seriously so immersive; the sound was deep and loud, like an explosion should be.

Now, again, the silence. You shoot jets, they explode, and you feel like you shot a soap bubble.


Sound immersion is VERY important to keep a game alive.


Oh, what a bummer.

I really liked the new WHOOSH sound the Phoenix made :-/

Hopefully at least the missile sounds will return at some point.

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It was AWESOME. They really can’t imagine how much sound can change the experience. Now, when you shoot or kill someone (I’m talking about an AIR game), you don’t hear anything. The silence makes it seem like a game from the 1980s.

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This update has made being US unplayable. Literally any semblance of a decent US player is now gone. Most of my games at 6-9 people dying without a kill at top tier.


I played Russia last night, against the US for 4/5 games. Guess which of those 5 I actually won.

US won this patch, most capable all around ARM and carriers, and not by a small margin.

Depends if they are talking about ground or air.

If they are talking about air they are wrong, but if they are talking about ground they are very much right from my experience.

Kinda strange for ground. Would have figured the 2A4M CAN would have taken Germany down a notch and bumped US up a bit.

I’m talking about ground, any semblance of competitive players are gone from the US. Every game, you can expect 6-9 players won’t get a kill and seldom get any assists. Like 3 games back I had 11/16 get no kills and 2 got assists.

I imagine it’ll even out after a few days or week when everything is spaded and new shiny toy wear off, but this is fucking outrageous. As a US main I’m used to this, so me complaining about how it sits right now is bad.

Current ammunition placement bug decreased Abrams survivability alot, not to mention facing Ger+Swe+ other nations combo effecting the Us teams more then ever.

If Gaijin fixes Abrams inaccuracies and balance the mm then Us teams will rise again.

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While it’s true that a large part of the German playerbase at top tier (2A4M or not) seem to have decided to turn their brain off, it’s also important to know that most better multination mains have mostly stopped playing US top tier after december 2023 and have had no reason to return.

The Abrams tanks, while not the worst MBTs in game, are still significantly worse than the Strv 122s, 2A7V and 2A7HU, the SEPv2 that was added alongside the 122B+ and 2A7V was a terrible and honestly worthless addition (should have been skipped, should be moved into a folder with the SEPv1 now) and now the Abrams tanks are hit pretty hard by the entire ammo order/placement situation.

Besides the ammo situation I also feel that tanks like the Abrams and Merkava have become much more easy to one shot by spalling after this update.

And last but not least the new M908 round seems like it’s just worthless to even bring.

What’s this ammo order/placement I’ve seen mentioned twice? I haven’t read about it or heard about it until now.

You know every tank has an order of which racks fill up first, right? Well either due to a bug, mistake or just intentionally (Gaijin making weird choices) the order was changed on quite a few tanks.

Let’s take the 120mm Abrams for example. Before this update it would first fill the first stage ammo (18-19 rounds iirc) behind the loader, taking more rounds would fill up the ammo rack on the other side of the turret (behind the commander) and the last few rounds would be stored in the hull.

Now they changed the order so that it will first fill up the first stage ammo rack. After that rounds will be put in the hull ammo rack before filling up the other ammo rack in the turret. The hull rack has no blowout panels in game, meaning that the Abrams took a massive survivability nerf.

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Sounds about right for US. Thanks for the knowledge

So according to the new feature of auto mode radar for the Phazotron Sapfir-23 in the various MIG23.

If it is true that the new feature corresponds to an actual match of radar capabilities in real life, its an incomplete addition since in game the auto mode switch is always on and can’t be toggled ON/OFF.

Before we start, here is some basic information about the Phazotron Sapfir-23:

(Hs- altitude of the Mig-23, Hc- target altitude)

The N-003E contains of 44 parts weighting total 475kg. Main parts:
Antenna : 56kg
Impulse transmitter: 98kg (klystron type tubes)
KNP transmitter: 48.5kg (providing STT for R-23R)
Parametric amplifier: 8kg
AVM-23 analogue computer : 8.2kg

Radar scan limits in azimuth: ±56º
Radar scan limits in elevation: +52º, -42º
Peak power: 40kW

Basic performance data of the N003E:

The radar detects targets at altitudes from 50 to 25000 m flying at speeds from 500 to 2500km/h.

In real life operations for Mig-23ML/MLA/MF/MLD operating with a Sapfir-23 this feature could be TURNED ON OR OFF

As it states in the next legal and approved documentation:

The radar scan modes BSV, BSV-delta H4, BSV-delta H1, SMV, MV are switched automatically according to aircraft altitude Hs (DV-30 barometric probe) and the antenna position ”Delta H” switch. The scan mode BSV-SC can be selected manually by the pilot with the radar mode switch "BSV SC-R-BSMV switched to the BSV-SC position.
e.g. the aircraft is flying with its nose below the horizon (descending), but the antenna bearing is above the horizon. At altitude of 1500m the BSV mode changes to SMV automatically. If the antenna bearing is below the horizon at the same conditions (descend flight), at altitude of 1500m the BSV-deltaH1 mode switches to the MV automatically and vice-versa.
The BSV-SC mode hasn’t altitude limitations, the delta H switch doesn’t have an effect on it.
When the switch NAVED AVT/RUCHN is set to AVT, the radar mode selection is done automatically by the GCI datalink (ARL-SM). The radar scan patterns under GCI are better optimized due to known PPS/ZPS aspect. The one-way commands from GCI are displayed on special symbol indicator mounted on the ASP-23DE gunsight. Pilot can interrupt the GCI datalink anytime setting the switch to RUCHN.

To get a better understanding of these radar modes in real life here is the explanation to them:

The mode BSV for high/medium altitudes, all-aspect intercepts (Hc<>=Hs), pulse width ~4 µsec, PRF 1Khz, switching altitude Hs>4,5km, Beam width in search 2,5°. Scan patters depend on NAVED AVT/RUCH switch position. Beam width in STT 1.7°.

The modes BSV-delta H4, BSV-delta H1 for high/medium altitudes are useful for searching targets on earth background not using the Doppler shifts (MTI). For all-aspect intercepts, switching altitude is 4.5km>Hs>1,5km. It uses half/third PRF compared to BSV mode. The “differential compensator device” (DKP) filters false ground signals out. For greater search range the parametric amplifier can be switched on. The receiver sensitivity gains of 5-10% (dB/mW).

The modes BS (I BS, II BS, III BS) for high/medium altitudes are used for all-aspect intercepts (Hs<>=Hc) in case of false targets (clouds) and for picking up targets on earth background by using reference coherent signal received by radar side-lobes. The “III BS” mode has the largest search range of 65km, the “I BS” the smallest one of 27km. The most used mode is the “II BS” with 45km search range. The “III BS” mode works only as a search mode. The FFT Doppler filtering techniques are used to select moving targets flying on the earth background. The so-called “blind speeds” are overcome by changing PRF pulses during each scan line. More than 90% of “blind speeds” are covered, what ensures good MTI.

The mode SMV for medium/low altitudes, only rear-aspect intercepts (Hs<Hc), The switching altitude is Hs<1.5km, pulse width ~1 µsec, PRF 1Khz. The scan patters depend on NAVED AVT/RUCH switch position.

The mode MV is used to engage targets flying at low altitudes on the earth background. It is only for rear-aspect intercepts (Hs>Hc), The switching altitude Hs<1.5km, switch “Delta H”<0, pulse width ~1 µsec, Beam width in search 2,5°. The MV mode uses the MTI based on Doppler shifts.

To give a more clear idea of what im trying to state here is:

*The new addition is in fact a real system featured in the Sapfir-23 but as they added to the game its a mismatch of the real capabilities and how the system actually works, meaning that in their try to implement a real system they only not failed to do it properly but messed up the entire way the radar is supposed to work. How? You might be asking.

The first one, the auto switch mode for the radar is an option you need to toggle ON/OFF and it relays entirely at pilot’s discretion. If the pilot decides to use the auto switch mode he needs to toggle that “option/system” on, otherwise auto switch mode WONT work regardless aircraft pitch attitude.

*Second, the new auto switch system is completely innacurate as in games it relays on the radar position relative to the horizon, below the horizon it goes into MTI and above it goes into normal SRC mode. This is also innacurate as stated in the paragraphs before. The radar is supposed to enter MTI if at 1500M or below the radar is pointed below the horizon, meaning that any Sapfir-23 flying below 1500M pointing down MUST be in MTI mode. The problem we have now at game is that whenever you point a bit over the horizon at any altitude it goes into SRC mode and gets cluttered with mismatched terrain data loosing track of the objective. In real life Sapfir-23 has a mode to prevent this and give a more accurate track and readings. This mode is called SMV (go back to the paragraphs stated above for more info).

To sum all this up, in a try to implement a real life system into game. Gaijin not only failed but messed one of the most played aircraft at rank VII.

Gaijin developers, I really think and Im pretty sure I can speak for most of MIG23 players when I say that the nerf got a bit too far, making the MIG23’s barely playable for the BR they are at. I do get the nerf performance and its pretty fair to be honest but I would like you guys to reconsider the radar stuff, making an improvement on how the system works or any other necessary action. But as it is now, radar for the MIG23’s are really messed up.

Thanks for reading and your comprehension!


KF41 turret doesn’t rotate for some time after spawn, don’t know if any other vehicles encounter this issue, will report it later.

Bro I’m NGL I got the m1a1AIM when I was beginning to get into rank 5 ground USA, pretty recently and once I got KEW and thermals even I did better than most.

At least 18-19 rounds isn’t too bad, unless someone is really good they probably won’t need that many.