Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

It was valid the first time and it’s valid the second time.
Notice the lack of France being mentioned.

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Does anyone know why the SU39s camera cannot lock on targets now, and the mercury pod too? Remove the Aircraft gaijin and refund the money!

Ditto this, new UI changes are hugely annoying, not needed, and add more clutter.

It appears I have my answer. They fixed the bug so squadron activity is once again being counted. However, they have not returned those lost squadron points that failed to be credited so Gaijin screwed us again! They also closed the bug report and locked it so it can’t be reopened now that they have lost our squadron points.

I would like to know where the gaijin got the 61 tons of NAMER 30 from, since it couldn’t fit NERA plates like the Merkava. The way Israeli vehicles are portrayed in the whar tunder is already shameful, the gaijin never fixed the armor of the mk4 merkas, as it clearly does not represent reality. While the Israeli vehicles in War Thander have almost no armor, the Russian vehicles curiously have excellent armor, better than what exists in real life. This is absolutely disrespectful.

No amraam on taiwanese f-16a mlu really let me down


Only the textures and 3D models for those are in the files, they don’t have damage models or behaviours yet. So it 's not a huge surprise that they wouldn’t be used for anything atm.

When I first heard that the new ground targets were coming, I had been hoping that they would be the complex DM type like the AT guns used in WWM - I find those to be more interesting to attack, since they react to damage more similarly to how player-controlled tanks do.
Still, the unused launcher animations on the Grad and some others may still point to other new objectives or missions that these new targets could be used for, so I’m keeping an eye out for that.

I was surprised to encounter them, since there 's already all these other changes making up this new map format. But it 's a welcome surprise for me !

@Smin1080p sorry that i tagged you but do you know if the F-15C’s will receive their BOL pods?


I agree with this question, when will the US F-15C get its BOL pods??


vehicle backups werent removed my guy

Yeah its really unfair

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Thank you for screwing TOW 2B.

I’d give them a bit lmao, some of the new aircraft with BOL, the BOL rails don’t work. I think they’ll be busy for a bit

There’s Bradley’s with GRB damage models aswell.

I think I saw one on that the new Chinese air map. Has the little circle icon like the trucks etc, was on the 2nd line from the front

User a spoiler
(And stop endlessly complaining about something already added to the game)

Just want to know if they consider the F-15 receiving those

Sorry I didn’t mean it in like I was trying to say the f-15 shouldn’t get it, I was trying to articulate that with all the bugs with the latest major they might need a bit before they’d consider adding things like bol to other aircraft.

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Who said that they were? The point is that you don’t need to have backups on a vehicle as you can activate them during a match, meaning the displayed number is completely and utterly pointless.

Yes. I understood. We can wait for them but you know sometimes gaijin does some black magic and some tech disappears from some planes

How is captured equipment valid to argument the placement of a subtree anywhere? If it is captured that means these nations were at war with eachother.

If a vehicle is captured it should be added as a captured plane, not with full-on ex.g. Dutch roundels and camouflage. Planes that carry the camouflage and roundels of a country that fought the Germans should be in another tech tree to facilitate the ability to fight the nation if fought against in a war.

That Gaijin chose France I also don’t really support, but it makes far more sense than Germany for any pre-1990 vehicle that ever was in the Dutch armed forces.

Leopards and F-16’s were only a small part of the history of vehicles used by the Netherlands. Sure, the leopards and the CV90’s would be great and logical to add to Germany because of the NATO cooperation where they operate under one NATO command to have a ready force (officer command is still separate of course).
But any centurion, Ram II, AMX-13 FL-12 or FL-15, etc. don’t have a place in the German tech tree. The German tech tree can NOT facilitate a sub tree at the moment, only some ‘feature’ vehicles could be added, and then only really at top tier.

If you compare this to France, which has been neglected a lot by gaijin compared to Germany when looking at the whole picture (not only top tier), they were in need of a way for one large influx of very to add to their tech tree. I don’t approve of how they chose the nations, but at least the french did never official fight (read: declare war on) any BENELUX country for the historical duration of war thunder, thus facilitating the ability to fight their historical enemies a.k.a. the Germans, (russians to an extent later on) and the Italians.

Then looking at connections with France: they are practically nonexistent, with only cooperations on NATO level that are about as old as the German-Dutch one. Only Belgium has strong ties with both the Netherlands and France for the whole duration that war thunder spans. It is not France that ties these tech trees together, it’s Belgium:

  • BeNeSam since 1948 (shared maintenance of naval equipment/ships, shared training of cadets, shared ship acquisitions, non-NATO militairy cooperation with the shared admiralty, same uniforms, etc.)
  • The artillery units (mortars and howitser) of Belgium have had cooperations with both the French and Dutch divisions regarding training and combat readiness in non-NATO cooperations through the CaMo program and BeNeLux military cooperation respectively.
  • Biological, chemical and nuclear defence of both Belgium and the Netherlands is a BeNeLux shared umbrella (non-NATO) and has existed since the 1950s and has been re-established multiple times.
  • The flight school for jet pilots of both France and Belgium is in the same institution, also a cooperation that is non-NATO.

France wasn’t the best place for all Dutch vehicles, but it sure beats being in Germany from my POV.

I only support recent Dutch equipment in the German tech tree, and then only really modern ground vehicles, with maybe some modern ships. Dutch vessels from pre-1980s should definitely not be anywhere in the German tech tree. Same goes for the airplanes, the F-16 doesn’t really feel right in Germany, but it would be alright enough with the NATO argument, however any non ‘copypaste’ Dutch plane (aka the Fokker planes) should not be in Germany, basically meaning that any uniquely Dutch plane would go to either an independent BeNeLux tree or in US/FRA/SWE to facilitate it fighting their enemies.