Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

I noticed the exact same thing!

Nevermind, I forgot to change 47 to 45 mm)

Why does the Fokker have a cockpit placeholder? You add cockpits to the Hueys but pretty much the one unique vehicle being added this entire update doesn’t even get a cockpit? And after not adding the Dutch to Germany but France, you give the Fokker German gauges?


The new ARH gameplay can be fun, although I’m getting absolutely destroyed. Hopefully there’ll be a good big guide for ARH gameplay soon on youtube so I can learn it.

Although 16v16 is really overwhelming.

Just a shame they didnt add assymetrical CM loadouts. Tornado finally got the pre-requisite needed but didn’t actually get its chaff count

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Why did Mirage 2000-5F get its countermeasures taken away? also, where’s the promised extra chaff for the Mirage 4000? while all these new agile fox-3s are out, what would the positions of the previous super fighters be? they don’t get fox-3s at all yet has to fight in the same BR


@Smin1080p What exactly happened to giving the Vextra the OFL 105 F2 round? Vextra should be moved up in rank and BR and given the F2 round.

I understand the dev server was work in progress, but it literally featured the OFL 105 F2 round on the modification table, so a lot of us expected the OFL 120 F2 to come. Not the OFL 105 F1. It was never stated that the OFL 105 F2 was just a placeholder.

Could you give some more clarification on why this was changed at last minute? If it is because the developers wish to keep it at the current BR it is in, then that must be clarified.


You arent the only one with promises not added on live, if anything theyll come whenever this minor update releases

Except unlike the missing AGM-65G on the Swedish Gripen, they straight up replaced the OFL 105 F2 with a worse round being the OFL 105 F1.

Why have Squadron Activity points been removed. I have played 5 successful games after the update and gained a grand total of 0 Squadron Activity points. I didn’t see anything about canceling squadron vehicles in any of the blogs.

This update broke so many things lmao. I mean, the actual content of the update is pretty cool and all but it was not ready for release, apparently. So many damn bugs, I don’t remember it being this bad for a new update in a long time.


With some of the issues, it feels like they’ve accidentally pushed the wrong build to live lmao


Wasnt just talking gripen C but okay. Also i dont understand why change it. Only thing i can think of is they want it to stay 9.7 unstead of 10.0

Ah my bad, I just picked the hottest topic currently on the rumor thread.

Not only that, but if they move it to 10.0 or more, they’ll have to change its rank from rank 6 to rank 7. To my understanding, there is no rank 6 that has a BR above 9.7

If anything i wouldnt mind them adding another wheeled vehicle to the 10.x bracket (jaguar pls gajoob) but yeah i dont really understand their decision for them not to add the better round outside of them wanting the vehicle to fill the 9.x lineup

Bring back the old UI and remove the vegetation bug.

Everything else i don’t care.

Its almost like quality control was removed to make place for more marketing department The state of this game is preety bad. Bugs everywhere often annoying - but hey new premium just buy…


A-6E changed Gen II thermal sights to Gen I after Seek & Destroy update!

NVIDIA Reflex is broken now.