Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (28.02.2025)

If you still naively believe that Gaijin will fix this on themselves, we wouldn’t have to keep arguing over and over.


like how they accepted to fix the type 10’s suspension, 2 years later its still left on “Accepted”


same for israel, it has alot of unfaithful models, lacking most stuff on specific vehicles, lacks a top tier spaa for absolutely no actual reason and there’s more…
and what i see, all they did for it in this update is add a copy and paste premium Netz, a PREMIUM which had no reason to come.


What relation does Germany have to the Spanish Tiger HAD? Should it not rather be given to Italy which actually lack a proper competitive premium Helicopter since… forever!! And which actually do have a link to the spanish?!


They could solve japans “cas problem” by simply giving its kit aka GCS-1 which is modelled textured and functional in the LIVE server files

But no they chose to copy paste thailand sub tree which has stuff that the japanese tech tree quite literally have NOTHING for that BR bracket (10.0 → 11.0)

Often as well things get denied because of a certain individual who has a xenophobic hate boner for japan

also if u see any of my messages edited from this point onwards = they clearly dislike that someone actually has a valid point and they just want to silence it


Gaijin has disappointed us time and time again over the years, leaving us players with only one option—fighting for our rights. It’s bizarre for a game dev team, but here we are, watching things go from bad to worse. They keep ignoring or outright targeting certain vehicles, forcing the community to give feedback over and over, only for it to turn into endless arguments.


And when are they going to fix this? It’s clear that there are important errors that affect many tanks, but I think that the correction of errors in tanks that have cost real money should be a bit faster and a priority, especially if it affects that vehicle a lot.

PD:They are also going to change the zoom of the Tortoise, it is very good if it is something realistic, but is not infinitely more important to correct this bug?

looks like Gaijin used old brochure on OTOMATIC, which is not true for todays day OTO. usual


The F-2 Late has a more advanced AESA radar, J/ARG-1, AAM-4B and AAM-5.

No shot we’re getting it soon


O Frabjous day!

still no MiG-21 Ejection seats?


Which aircraft will recieve the thrust vectoring control?

The turret basket change should not be done.

Not only is it horribly unfair. It’s also completely unrealistic. It’s not remotely authentic. The turret basked is just some wire mesh so the crew doesn’t get pinched or snagged by elements of the hull and can easily turn with the turret.

It’s like cartoon level unrealistic and demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of modern tanks.


Currently im receiving about 50 notifications an hour. So you will have to forgive me if I miss some. Sadly I cannot answer everything and missing things is inevitable.

Going on a rant offensive however sadly is not going to assist that.


The name change is very nice, but when will the model change be for Hungary and Israel? Since Hungary and the Arab countries from which Israel captured the Shilka only received V1 models, so having the V model is not correct.


The steering issue for the Type 10 and TKX has been fixed: Community Bug Reporting System


Hey @Smin1080p_WT

I was wondering if you could have a look at the damage of the HE-VT on both the G6 and Bkan 1C.
On both of the vehicles, the HE-VT has a lot smaller over pressure radius that the regular HE, even when both rounds have the same amount of HE filler.

I did go onto the dev server, and can confirm that it is still an issue on the dev server.

I made these two videos that highlights the difference in where you need to hit to kill a vehicle, just by using HE vs HE-VT.

I have compiled this list of the bug reports that have reported the issue.

Bug reports on the HE-VT on the G6:
Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System

Bug reports on the HE-VT on the Bkan 1C:
Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System

My bug report on both at the same time:
Community Bug Reporting System


Would they seperate the turret basket and the turret ring because the model is highly inaccurate


Hey. It would be best to submit this as a report so it can be properly evaluated: Community Bug Reporting System

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Turret ring when, it got a long neck for a tank