Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Harrier 1 at the moment I think, at work so not looked yet

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Is the tornado IDS (1995) dropping down to Mk101 engines?

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I haven’t seen anything indicative.

ok, mixed that up … probably fixed now
so … makes me wonder … why not the earliest/original variant?
will it be added later to tech tree but in a separate line from the PLA ZTQ-15s?
whereas the VT-5BD would be premium?

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Oh wow, someone punch me, i think iam dreaming.


oh no … more deaths to sneaky TKXs

Only like 6 years late lmao

you could not be more wrong

Oh well, not like it matters.

Russia - gets anything remotely good in air battles
U.S. Playerbase -



There must be a copium leak somewhere.

They should just revert to the old profile. It was just so much better

Snail please VFA-14 skins

In what way is german air being hand held? Even the Eurofighter is botched

1 good top tier after a year and a half of mid ones

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Botched, yet still one of the top 2 aircraft in the current meta

The real question is why doesn’t the C early have 9Ms.

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9M = 13.0 = Eurocanard food.