Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (28.02.2025)

My idea is, either remove them till the horizontal drive is ready for all MBTs or keep them and remove that God awful cone of spalling which is unrealistic and make them more durable altogether, or simply just remove them and not add them on any other tanks because this is a level of “realism” we wanted for light tanks only, because shots could easily travel through them and not do any damage


Well, it may be “historical” but he still hasn’t given any source to his claim, so I could currently consider it a lie until proven wrong

If we also go by that logic, the F14D would be able to use the Aim7P with data link and not be a copy paste AIM7M because of the AN/APG71 radar it has on board, but the Sparrow P variant will be kinda useless if they add the AIM120 to the F14D when/if it comes

It’s also 3rd Gen too, so maybe we could get an upgrade to the FLIR we currently have

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i wonder if they will do something to the R-27R on the F-14A IRIAF because it has working datalink

Honestly, I don’t think they’ll do anything even if we bug report it, of course, using the logic at the guy in the comments and using the denied report of the Aim7P too

TT placement feedback: I see it better to place Schütze after Bernau to leave space for probable (in the future) 3.7 BR due to rapid fire 40mm with HE-VT shells with huge 190g explosive filler. And move Krischan der Große to rank 2 since it has no survivability, was launched in 1941, not as modern as Schutze.

This is going to sound insane to you, but…




Yes and no, this is the Pzbrsprgr. L’Spur. With 5,2g Pent, tho i think (because he made a report some time ago) he is talking about the Pzsprgr. L’Spur with 14g Pent.
2 different rounds, the Pzbrsprgr.L’Spur is an APHE-T round with Cap and incendary filler, while the Pzsprgr. L’Spur is a normal Aphe-T, basically the same as the AP-I, tho with different filler, basefuze and tracer.

And well, in game the APHE-T is also still missing the APC modifier.

It’s still an APHE round, and it’s just going to make CAS more broken in GRB.

I should mention, the in game screenshot I posted is the Ho 229’s armored targets belt. It will have an APHE round mixed in with the HVAP.

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Dont know nor care about Top Tier, but ww2 isnt all that bad, especially the MK 101/103, which is only on a couple of Planes anyway. And with exception to the Ho 229, this Aphe round is only found in the default (1/3) and air targets belt (1/4) so it really wont be world ending.

Overall, i think its time and it would be awesome, if they would implement custom belts.

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Are there any chances for HMS Barham to also get the Mk.XVIIb shell?

Probably not being ww1 version

Doesn’t this plane also have good CAS

Depends. The available belts are quite limiting.

Of course the penetration formulas, Gaijin uses, show their limits once again, when the AP rounds perform much better and the APCR worse than in RL.

But in general it will merely boost their effectiveness against light vehicles.

Still, another good reason to nerf APHE explosion spheres, and make them behave realistically.

Yes sir. It has AASM for guided bombing, along with HMD and a miniaturized but more modern RDY radar found on the Mirage 2000-5F.

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Sounds perfect for that higher tier premium

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Heavily disagree. 50 mm is more than enough to go through the roof of any tank that isn’t a Maus or E-100.

And since the Mk 103s fire 7.5 rounds per second, even with the belt that has only 1 APHE round per 4 rounds it’s still firing almost 2 APHE rounds per second. But most importantly, as @Ghostmaxi said:

And with exception to the Ho 229, this Aphe round is only found in the default (1/3) and air targets belt (1/4)

You will have access to this APHE round from the default belt, meaning no additional spawn point cost and firing APHE once every 3 rounds. The default belt even seems like a pretty good choice for basic ground attack, due to the fact that:

  • HEI-T round will deal overpressure damage to open top vehicles, and helps in the case of encountering aircraft;
  • Both AP-I and APHE-T rounds will penetrate virtually any tank from above, while APHE-T will deal more damage.

There’s also the fact that, since the default belt starts with the HEI-T round, all rounds will have the 860 m/s muzzle velocity of the HEI-T round rather than their actual MV of 800.

Indeed, its a lovely belt. :)
Tho i hope they give the M-Gr. Its full charge 900m/s velocity.

Also the Mk 103 isnt really on allround good planes, mostly heavy twin engine planes. So it wont be a Yak-9K 2.0.

And that all rounds end up 860m/s isnt our fault, but simply gaijins bad modeling of ammo velocitys. Shure some belts take advantage. But id rather wish it wouldnt be the case, simply from the other belts that are now at a disadvantage because of it.
One example would be the standart belt of the 2 cm Flak. 1x API-T at 800m/s at the beginning then 3x HEFI-T at would be 900m/s. I would prefer the belt, in case of self defence and against more armored air targets as well as the chance for a good pilot or engine snipe. However loosing a full 100m/s isnt worth it, resulting in just using the Pzgr.40 belt beeing the best option at anything except wooden biplanes.

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I didn’t say it would. But it definitely won’t help the current issues with CAS.

I never blamed you for it. I was just pointing it out.

While I haven’t tested it, the additional velocity could mean more penetration.