Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

I suppose it becomes a question of does the A200C have enough upgrades to make it usable at a higher BR. GR4 has a LOT of upgrades and struggles at 12.3. There is a reasonable argument to make it a solid 11.7 and avoid the uptier if possible.

What would be the point of 1995 then?

True, but its worth moderation. Wouldnt want it at 12.3 like the GR4 without the TERMA, BOL, HMS and Aim-9Ms the GR4 has

Though, being foldered as well… It wont be too punishing to grind and the GBU-39s + MAWS at 11.7 sounds like more fun in SB than being 12.0/12.3 with the Aim-9Li


Also could we get some update about this maybe? Especially now that the MAW on aircrafts know what to drop (chaff, flare or both) depending on the type of missile coming towards it. The system could be added to the F15E without the EW of course.

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So in the new green patch notes, Rafale and Su 34 received the TWS ESA but the Kfir C.10 is not mentioned.
It has an AESA radar right?

finally no more issues with the Driver NVDs on my Panther 2 also still nothing about the PzH 2000 Spall Liner and Ammo come on Gaijin soon it will be 4 months since it was reported

Why would they undo this? VBM Freccia C/C is objectively correct. It’s short for Veicolo Blindato Medio Freccia Contro Carro.

Still waiting for my HOT-3’s for the VCAC Mephisto…

Having Tandem-HEAT missiles would be a nice change for the French since they have none for ground vehicles, just HOT-1 and HOT-2’s. The Tiger HAD has them but the VCAC Mephisto can and has used them too.

Screenshot 2025-03-03 175227fr_vcac_mephisto


So far it looks good, although i’d love to see literally any propeller driven aircraft included in this patch, whichever can be added

I’m noticing that Gaijin is adding rank 8 premiums that are either 4th gens with no fox 3s or 3rd gen with fox 3s.

France already has a 4th gen with no fox-3s for event (Mirage 2000C-S4), please add Mirage MF2000 in the June patch


The Type 98 Ke-Ni In-Game Has the Wrong Name // // Issues

Since quite a few of the update’s changes involve name correction, please consider implementing the accepted report for the Ke-Ni’s name!

Additionally, could you consider making it possible to research the next vehicle in a TT line if you possess a vehicle in the folder already?

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i bet that awg9 comment guy is really happy now

Only if the missile was fired and locked before the Notch was entered.

Well, yes.

Found a source for the LITENING AT to get A2A modes

Can anyone help me Find list all of the aircraft that use the LITENING-AT “AN/AAQ-28(V)4” or later in game please.


list from USAF

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This is stupid. We need to fix it


My idea is, either remove them till the horizontal drive is ready for all MBTs or keep them and remove that God awful cone of spalling which is unrealistic and make them more durable altogether, or simply just remove them and not add them on any other tanks because this is a level of “realism” we wanted for light tanks only, because shots could easily travel through them and not do any damage


Well, it may be “historical” but he still hasn’t given any source to his claim, so I could currently consider it a lie until proven wrong

If we also go by that logic, the F14D would be able to use the Aim7P with data link and not be a copy paste AIM7M because of the AN/APG71 radar it has on board, but the Sparrow P variant will be kinda useless if they add the AIM120 to the F14D when/if it comes