Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (28.02.2025)

will F14B get aim-7P


It’s live.

Wonder if the this source stating AN/AAS-38B has IRST capabilites is good enough to get it added to the relevant F/A-18’s?

AAS-38B. This variant adds a laser spot tracker, air-to air infrared search and track (IRST), and scene track capabilities to the AAS-38 system. The IRST is a major addition to the FLIR system, intended to provide the E/F versions of the Hornet with long-range target detection and tracking capabilities


I mean if the rest of the -Teen series had their period appropriate TGPs with A2A modes, they should also have this capability.

Edit: also that source mentions a major structural change to accommodate the E/F Superhornets. So will probably need to also show the 38B was used on C/D aircraft as well.

There was a bug report for this but it seems to have either been mishandled or is broken again.

Currently the camera just doesn’t do anything when a target is locked on the radar.

It’s also an issue with other aircraft like the British and Italian Typhoons that have PIRATE however with how little attention the Typhoon reports get I doubt it will be fixed any time soon.

Also found supporting evidence for A2A for the ATFLIR & A+ / -C /-E

Is the ATFLIR even in game yet?


F-16, F-15 and some others are under review to possibly receive it.

is mirage 2000 in the “and some others are under review” group


No, but datamines have shown that it does exist, or rather that it was worked on in some capacity. Initially I thought they would put on the F/A-18C Late, but they just gave it Litening II, for now at least. I believe Litening also has A2A functionality, but I’m not completely sure I am remembering that right.

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Might as well report it, so it can be added whenever it does.

It did have a limiter. FBW and Limiters are different. FBW is basically a request to do something, and the request is granted to the best of it’s ability. The F-14’s limiter was simply a dampener of the controls to allow the plane to be flyable.

It can be assumed that at very least the -AT and later do. I have a source that claims they are similar in terms of performance and functionality.


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I thought tornado IDS ret8 had maw pods similiar to the fgr4, and where are the other enhanced paveways it should get? I mean im glad there is another tornado with somewhat better weaponry but why not just add it to the existing tornado like they did with Germany, this just increases italy grind even more.


What’s the reason for this vs other Harriers still having it? The fact they don’t have the engine bay fire exhaust vents in the wing root?
Those got moved to the “frog eye” vents on top of the fuselage when the Harriers went from 65% LERX to 100% LERX.

Ed:- AGARD-CP-467 asserts that AV-8Bs don’t have a fire bottle

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Crazy idea: We add the missing 30mm APHE-T rounds to German 30mm aircraft cannons for air and ground vehicles.

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what would be the difference to the AP-I round?

This establishes that the FLIR pod can acquire and track air targets, but what do you mean by “SARH/ARH support”? Supports in what way, I mean.

The IRST /EOTS takes over proving angular tracking data to radar if it looses the target and switches IRT.

currently On the live server this completely stops the flow of missile updates.

What this change allows is for the radar to continues to output emissions of the correct waveform, sufficient to guidance commands (or data linked target, point of intercept coordinates) to the missile in flight. ensuring that the missile not go dumb.

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Would this defeat notching targets?

If so, radar missile counterplay just became that much more difficult

It should have a version of a BOZ pod with built in MAWS. So different to the TERMA on the GR4. But yes it should have MAWS. There is an internal report for this.

As for why it wasnt just added to the existing Tornado. The upgrades are too extensive. Germany just got a few GPS guided bombs but the A200C has a lot of upgrades and a lot of Potential upgrades. More than enough to justify a different BR imo and with potential to even give it Aim-9Li which could properly impact its BR. (though I am of the opinion the 11.7 Tornado IDS should already be equipped with IRCCM to justify the 11.7 BR over being 11.3)

They explode. AP-I is just modeled as solid shot.

They also have a tracer.