Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (28.02.2025)

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Hey everyone, just an update for you — Advance to the Rhine has been added to the dev server for ground forces and can now be tested. Please leave your feedback on it here:



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the premium f18 will be 12.3 for ground battles?

So I’m full of hope assuming the current state of Hornet’s DDI’s and MPCD and their distribution within the three MFD’s ist still WIP…

Premium Hornet and Premium Netz have no cockpit yet - getting an error

Hey guys! The dev server received an update, I’ve added the new points to the changelog in green for new items, and red for removed items.


I gotta clarify, is this limited to only those 2 or is it gonna apply to the Su-30 and Kfir C.10? Since they also use ESA antennas


Is this getting added to the Typhoon?

Will we get the ability to fire AMRAAMs when manually switching to IRST in the future for the Typhoon?


Captor-M is an MSA not ESA though

It has basically the same capbility despite being M-scan


Interesting, should get it then

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Yup, the recommended implementation is to basically just C&P the AESA code over to it.

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So the only thing that changed in the update to the dev server for naval system rework was adding an option for damage shown on screen. No response, no interest in the points made by players here, nor in the thread covering the unsinkability mechanic/destruction of ship mechanics they’re introducing that equally have been rejected by the naval player community (and that thread has seen similar protest against the new aiming mechanics for NAB).

Can we please get communication from the devs on this? There has been regular communication on land/air systems and changes, but none on naval, and none on naval for multiple updates despite repeat protest of the changes.


Second dev server is online, and there is no signs of Gaijin reconsidering this. Therefore, I must insist;

The new and more detailed modules for MBTs are amazing, but:

1- Turret baskets are NOT a part of the traverse mechanisms and should not be modelled as such.
2- Turret baskets should stop spalling, NOT generate additional spalling.

Turret baskets should be a small strength; yet this poor implementation is turning them into an enormous, additional, unrealistic weakness.

At this point, there are countless bug reports and topics about this. Please, listen to the playerbase.

@Smin1080p_WT we have used all available channels possible; bug reports (as we were instructed on the Forums), Forum topics (as we were then instructed on the bug reports), even Content Creators on Youtube, thousands of people Reddit and Discord- this is a topic of enormous concern among the playerbase.

Has all of this been forwarded to the developers for reconsideration?

EDIT: apparently, according to personal accounts from tank crew members, Gaijin’s modelling is actually correct- damage to the turret basket can and will disable the rotation mechanisms. Therefore, my stance has changed from opposing this change to a neutral one.


naval AB and RB are very close related game modes - AB is clear the easier and funnier one. No active naval AB player supports this change. Maybe there is some tutorial or advice missing for new players but its really not that difficult to learn.

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That’s cause arcade is harder than realistic right now.
Why play a worse game mode?

very well spoken!
I will also add to the list the torpedo bug which doesn’t allow to switch tubes of boats and ships which have spare torpedoes on-board like the german pt boat S701 and the german and japanese destroyers. When a tube or set of launchers is empty one have to wait until it was reloaded to launch the next torpedo even if the second launcher is ready for fire - switching the tubes is only possible if the launchers are not empty. This bug was accepted but not solved since a few months…

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Also, are there any more MFD updates planned for the future? Like some more weapon stores MFD pages like:





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they rather should provide a proper tutorial on aiming but switching the aiming depend of rank would be silly - if one has ships/boats with and w/o this “system” in the same deck would cause a mess.