Turret basket unrealistic

So on Leopard 2a7V and Abrams (but i want to focus on the 2a7V) a new module called “Turret basket” is added and if shot the horizontal drive dies.

Now since Gaijin want’s to be SO REALISTIC with Leopard by nerfing it’s depression from the side and back, wouldn’t it make sence that they make it realistic and change this stupid stuff, sure keep the turret basket but change it, the turret basket has nothing to do with the Horizontal drive/ring.

This is just nerfing leopards for no reason, and for the abrams, it’s alredy kinda bad so no reason to Unrealisticly nerf it even more.


Indeed. We’ve already made many topics and bug reports to no avail, but hopefully our pressure will prevail.

Yes, turret baskets should be modelled and implemented.

NO, not as if they were a part of the traverse mechanisms, which they are not.

Instead, they should only act as spall protection.

Otherwise, it’s turning an advantage into a weakness arbitrarily.


Have you seen the turret baskets they added in the previous updates??? They contain no modules and are just spall shields yet they create more spalling and prevent the turret from moving

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Yeah + look at T-90M you shoot there and autoloader will EAT the shot and not ammo rack some times but his horizontal will be fine and he will be able to shoot.

I do think this came out of people who have pure skill issue, noobs with top tier OR the russian fans who complain beacuse Russia isn’t the best in something