Are you sure the CCVL would have blowout panels? From the model it doesnt look like it at least. The XM8 looks like it has it though and should definitely get it.
Make a bug report and wait 2 years 😎
The turret basket shouldn’t function as turret drive itself! Like damaging the lower part/bottom of the turret basket will also disable the turret drive? Gaijin hello???
Turret drive and turret basket should be SEPARATED. The turret basket does absolutely nothing regarding turret rotation. Make turret drive and basket 2 different modules, the turret basket acting as some sort of extra armor for the crews.
Hi, Smin
Sorry to be pedantic but TRIGAT is the name of the program
The French designation of the missile is AC3G-LP
Aviation International 970
DTIC ADA354766
page (quoting an air and cosmos article)
Would it be possible to get a list of all the aircraft that are planned to get the new “enable/disable-FCS” button in this major?
It would be nice to be able to start bug-reporting as early as possible if necessary :)
(Thanks for all your answers in general, i know you get an unreasonable amount of pings)
Harry Hopkins I has a problem with camouflage.
Are the 2S19M2 and 2 on T72 hulls and do they have the same armour?
It’s not exactly a T-72 hull, it’s a combination of T-72 and T-80.
And no the armour isn’t the same IIRC, nearly all armour is removed.
Agree, make it a separate module from vertical drive, but when damaged it will lower crew efficiency as the primary task of a turret basket is to sync the turret crew to the movement of the turret
Yes. This quote is from R. P. Hunnicutt’s “Sheridan - A History of the American Light Tank”, a highly authoritative source.
There’s always the possibility that Gaijin’s model is wrong. I haven’t been challenged in any way by Gaijin bug moderators to provide more sources, but I could look for more details on the appearance/location of these panels. I assume the hull hatches on either side of the driver would act as blowout panels, as this is where the ammunition is located. The turret ammunition would vent through the turret roof by way of hatch/panel.
Hey. This would have been the final name should the missile have been adopted into full service. TRIGAT LR was the name that was present during firing trials and the HAC testing. So it was decided to use this name as multiple sources designate it as such.
At the moment, its
- Su-30SM
- Su-27s
- F-18s
F-16, F-15 and some others are under review to possibly receive it.
J-10, Rafale and Eurofighter did not have such functionality (ability to fully remove AoA limits)
I made a report about how absurd the added armor of the Centurion AVRE was, where in the 3D model alone you can see that it has quite a few millimeters, while in the game it says that it is only 10mm. I reported it and the moderators did nothing. I had to put the link in the forum, criticizing it so that a moderator would finally accept it.
You guys should come to the conclusion that F-15 can, and F-16 can’t.
And whenever you get around to adding F-2 to Japan, the switch to reduce the AOA-limits is on the throttle. [Increases the G-limit from 9 to 12.]
With the Update the PzH 2000 lost its ability to reload if the Autoloader is broken, but IRL it can also be operated manually, thats why theres the Seat of the Autoloader
I assume this wont change alone and we need to report?
Unrelated, but Smin. Is there a chance for a mishmash Su-30SM with better engines?
Bruh. Why don’t you add it to planes that don’t have limiters so they can pull those maneuvers too? Like the F-16 I understand but planes like the Mig-29 and F-14 that didn’t have limiters should be able to switch to those modes as they can switch from dampened SAS to Manual in Sim. That’s just apart of how they perform.
How much evidence is needed for this?
I’m asking because all the JAS39 variants quite literally has both a “FCS ← → Off” and a “Avionics ← → Off” switch in the cockpit (for the A variant its in Swedish “Avionik ← → F” and for some reason “[BLANK] ← → Off”). They are all located by the right elbow of the pilot. I’m uncertain if any other evidence of this function is publicly available, but honestly, one might think that having such a switch to begin with would be enough evidence in of itself x) .
Simply anything showing that these switch disable any AoA limits on the aircraft.
Thanks for the answer! ^^